Have I mentioned we’ve been a little bit busy?

We have indeed been a little bit busy and more than a little pressed for time. Everything seems to happen at the same time. For me, all my medical stuff happens in March.

Installing plumbing

The bathtub is already gone.

For reasons I don’t entirely understand, most of my major surgeries have occurred in March which is why I’ve spent so many birthdays in the hospital. It’s also why I have so many physical work-ups in March.

Putting in the glass doors

I suppose in a way it’s good. I get everything sorted out in a month or maybe six weeks and with a little luck, I don’t have to think about it again for another six months or a year. But the period of time makes life pretty hectic and the older we get, the harder these hectic periods are for us. I get tired quickly and these days, Garry wears out fast too.

Utility wall and shower

Bench end

Add to that all the changes I’ve been making in sorting out our utilities and this major change in the house … and there are more to come. I’ve still got to get the chimney repaired before it falls down.

Bench end with sink and window

As much of the room as I could fit into the picture!

Did I mention that someone apparently took a baseball bat to our mailbox? And our across-the-street neighbor’s mailbox too? And our around the block neighbor’s mailbox too? Apparently, that’s what bored teenage boys do in rural neighborhoods in winter when there’s absolutely nothing to do. So we can’t get mail delivered until we get a new mailbox and post — which we can’t do until the ground melts and the snow is gone. Which is going to be a few more days, assuming we don’t get any more freezes.

Winter makes everything somehow busier. The plowing and the shoveling and the expense of paying the plow which is huge for our small budget.

Another view of the bathroom. Looks pretty good!

And everything will settle down in another month or so I fondly believe. Meanwhile, here are some pictures. I’ll try to get some better ones with a wide-angle lens tomorrow assuming we have reasonable light.

It’s supposed to rain. Or maybe not.

Categories: #HealthInsurance, #Photography, #Work, Architecture, Home, Life

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29 replies

  1. oh, now I get it…. WOW, done in ONE day?! That’s not the French way to do it – we were unfunctional for something like 3 weeks BUT we also had the rest of the bathroom to be done, new tiling, new lights, new waterworks, new painting above the tiles (the side of the washbasins) AND installation of new stuff. But in the end a GOOD investment and a joy every day to use.

    Damaged post box? That is terrible….. And there I was, thinking that in some ways you were living in a ‘protected’ area where evil things would mean that a hawk would grab a squirrel for brekkie 😉


  2. I know they showed the local hooligans playing “mailbox baseball” in the movie Stand By Me, but I had no idea that was an actual thing. What in the hell is wrong with kids?


  3. Remodeling is so exciting!


  4. The bathroom looks great. Those laminated panels are definitely the way to go. Cleaning grout is the pits.


  5. Looks wonderful! Safe secure and pretty too! Awesome!!!!!!


  6. Happiness is grab bars and non-slip surfaces. Looks great. 😀


  7. Ever neat, your bathroom is looking spiffy…


  8. You are going to love that new bathroom. Wait until you see how easy it is to keep those shower walls sparkling – just a spritz of Clean Shower every day and you’ll rarely have to wash those walls. It’s been a year since my new bathroom was done, and it still looks new.


  9. I have been waiting for that one and it’s a success and looking good. We certainly have a good collection of photos of workmen fitting stuff


  10. The bathroom’s looking good! I’d like to get my bathtub replaced with a decent shower too but my parents had theirs done recently and let’s just say it’s a bit above my budget 😦


    • This was WAY about our budget, but we were getting pretty desperate. And we made the best deal we could. I hope we live long enough to repay it! The repayment plan is actually surprisingly manageable. It’s a lot less money by the month than our car is costing. It’s actually a lot less money than our car, come to think of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Did this a while back. At least, Rose did. I didn’t see anything wrong with old one?
    I don’t try to stop her though. Just give her the money.


    • For me, it was (1) trying to step over the tub ledge and my increasingly bad imbalance problem, and (2) the tub and tiles were 50 years old and porous. Past a certain point (like 25 years?) — you can’t get the mold out of the grout, so you’ve got hours of scrubbing grout with mold cleaner that is bad for your lungs and skin … and doesn’t entirely work, either. Eventually, it just doesn’t work. You either fix it or live with it.

      It was getting to be a problem for both of us. I could get INTO the tub, but I could get not OUT of it. Garry didn’t take baths anyway. And now there’s a grab bar and a non-slip floor, too. Yay!


      • I completely understand. I was sort of kidding, but since I work at Home Depot I know what people go through. I’m always hopeful you find a solution.


  12. Your bathroom looks great! Makes me want to redo mine….


  13. all your medical stuff comes together Marilyn, getting it out of the way in a bunch allows you time to enjoy the summer. Best of luck with the D.i.Y… I am waiting six years for my landlord to fix the darn shower, happy days, amen

    Liked by 1 person


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