SHORT DIVISION – Marilyn Armstrong

FOWC with Fandango — Division


“Yes. son?”

“We’re learning long division in school. I hate it. What’s short division? Maybe I would like short division better?”

“Son,” she answered, “Short division is what you can do with the fingers of one hand using just five fingers. If it doesn’t fit on five fingers, you will need medium division which uses two hands — ten fingers — after which it becomes long division for which you need a pencil and paper. At this stage, I use the calculator and a computer.”

“Oh,” he said. “Thanks.”

“And son?”


“If it gets even more complicated? There’s always Google. Never forget Google.”

“You’re a real pal, Mom.”

“I know, kid.”

Categories: #FOWC, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Humor

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15 replies

  1. That’s the way to go, or if as a mum you are. Not sure, just ask the kids.


  2. I have a handy, dandy virtual calculator built right into my iPhone, which I use for short, Medium, and long division. As well as for addition, subtraction, and multiplication.


    • I have at least a dozen calculators in various phones, computers, Kindles … I don’t even know how many things. Oddly enough, though, I can do a lot of arithmetic in my head. Simple stuff, but I can run addition and subtraction mentally.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I like this definition..


  4. Genius…. 🙂


    • If I can’t count on my fingers, it’s time for the computer. And if that’s not quite enough and I need an actual formula, I can google it. When I had to calculate how much I needed to cover the floor of the tepee which is not round but really sort of egg-shaped, I needed bunches of different calculations. Googled it. Got it. AND got it RIGHT.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Nifty. I’m a math reject. But I can do division of mega-multi year baseball contracts in my head.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We learn what really interests us. For you, obviously, it’s mega-multi-year baseball contracts 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s all about the money–and beisbol. I remember all the hullabaloo when DiMag and Teddy Ballgame signed mega contracts for 100K a year. The MLB minimum was 10K. One year when the minimum was about 30k, I matched it and was thrilled. The satisfaction was short-lived. I couldn’t keep pace with the MLB minimum.


        • I’m 20 years into my working career and don’t think I’ve made the MLB minimum in my entire lifetime! I coulda been in The Show. I was even ahead of my time. One year in Little League I batted .000, but had an on base percentage over .500. I either walked or struck out. Most 12 year old pitchers are pretty wild…
