BIRDS DU JOUR – Marilyn Armstrong

Garry decided the poor birds must be starving, so he filled the feeders. Then we stood at the window and watched the tree fill up with all kinds of birds.

Molting Goldfinch

Which was followed by birdly jostling and bonking as various birds tried to knock the other competing birds off the feeder.

The Cowbirds are big and solid and don’t move, though they did at least look up when three finches whacked them at the same time.

A trio

The little squirrel was on the rail looking at the free-for-all, birds and more birds … and finally, he left. He didn’t feel like taking on the Cowbird either.

Watching me, watching you …

So there we are, looking at the feeders. On the flat feeder, there are three Brown-headed Cowbirds. They are about the size of a Robin. On the hanging feeder are a few Goldfinches and several Nuthatches with a mashup of chickadees, Carolina Wrens, and three woodpeckers.

It’s not like he didn’t get his turn, mind you …

I find, these days, that I spend less time shooting pictures and more time just watching the birds and squirrels and their interactions. Also wondering how every bird and squirrel in the woods know within a few minutes that Garry has filled the feeders. Is this what they call “Twitter”?

The feeders are full! Come and get it!

Categories: #Birds, #BlackstoneRiver, #Photography, #Squirrel, flying, Wildlife

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30 replies

  1. Today we refilled our feeders and my little almost two year old grandson was in awe. He is barely talking at this point, but he gave a stream of narrative anyway. His word for bird is “dubdah”, so it went like this. “Dubdah! More! Look! Look! (It was a male cardinale) Pretty. Dubdah! Seeds! Look!” He was completely in awe, and I saw the beautiful birds through his eyes. What a gift!


    • I find myself just standing and watching. Sometimes, Garry and I watch together. When my son comes by, he stands and watches. I think they are all magic for us. And today, there was a Bluebird.


  2. This is my kind of Twitter! A truly uplifting post. I can watch wildlife for hours – it’s as though the birds and animals know something we don’t. And I love the performance they put on while they jostle for position. I always call it ‘the cabaret’. I’m nowhere near as good at photographing them as you though. Thanks for such a heart-warming post. 🙂


    • Lately, I can watch mine, but they fly away as soon as I pick up the camera. I keep wondering if the camera making some sound they find alarming. The focusing beep?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Quite possibly – my husband knows a lot about birds and he reckons it may well be the focusing beep. He suggests trying turning it to silent if your camera allows you to. We go to a local nature reserve which has an indoor hide with feeders just outside, so he gets some nice shots from behind the glass. I’m pretty rubbish though, so I tend to just watch and enjoy.


  3. They know…look at that tail on the squirrel. Sorry Evilsquirrel it looks so soft and would make a nice coat.


  4. They’re watching. You can’t see them, but they can see you and know the instant that food’s out and the humans have gone back inside…

    Liked by 1 person

    • The squirrels barely leave. They just huddle down below the fence. We have one “midday” squirrel who has no sense of danger at all. He needs to huddle with an older squirrel and learn how to be a proper squirrel!


  5. Twitter indeed 🙂


  6. What a heart-warming and joyful post. I‘m sitting here, watching with you and Garry the circus playing outside your house and enjoying the come-and-go of your feathery and furry friends! Thank You

    Liked by 2 people

    • This morning I looked out and there were half a dozen of those big brown-headed cowbirds … and one really huge woodpecker. I walked into the kitchen. All still there. Picked up my camera. Gone. I could see them in the trees, but I could not focus in on them fast enough.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m sure it is some avian version of radar, the same as when you offer one seagull a chip and the next minute you have a dozen or more standing around you.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. So much fun! I love the idea of the birds and squirrels using Twitter to communicate:)

    Liked by 2 people

  9. you will have to open a gift store for the birds Marilyn, if you get them voting cards the big Donald might come along, cheers


    • I have been invaded by Brown-Headed Cowbirds and until I can convince them to leave, they are the ONLY birds I see except for some of the bigger woodpeckers. They are big enough to vote for sure!

      Liked by 2 people

      • the menu is going to get exciting


      • I’m really getting into the bird and squirrel watching. I’m also learning a little about the boids but I’m not in Marilyn’s class about who’s who. It’s really fascinating.
