The first earth day poster

Categories: Earth, Ecology

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21 replies

  1. Perfect! Now if we as a society could adopt the ‘carry in, carry out’ philosophy there wouldn’t be a need for all those signs telling us who is cleaning up our garbage we toss out the car windows.


    • Do you get that too? It makes Garry completely nuts that people toss trash from their cars onto our property. You would think we’d come at least further that “throw it out the window,” but we look like woods so that’s the same as “public trash bin.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yep. Us humans are the only animals that create garbage.
    And we’re really good at it.


  3. Spot on there, Marilyn!


    • Walt Kelly was right on. And that was … what — 50 years ago?

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      • Almost ahead of his time. Eerily right though…


        • Yes. I remember when I was young they were just discovering how toxic a lot of the soil around old factories had become … and how horribly polluted our rivers were.

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          • Little’s changed there then. Scary…


            • The rivers are cleaner and at least here in Massachusetts, they have done a LOT of work cleaning up the soil. But it’s not done yet and some of it will never be done because the amount of toxic soil is so huge, they are afraid to release it lest it make the situation worse.

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              • The mind boggles…


                • This valley was the original home of the American industrial revolution. Although we think the poisons which we pour into the soil are more powerful than the “natural” stuff they used in the old days, it’s not true. The dyes and tanning material they used in the 1800s are incredibly toxic. Many places in this valley in insanely toxic and probably always will be, especially the soil behind the dams. If they release the soil, the whole river will be polluted by the toxic soil.

                  We’ve been toxifying this planet for a very long time. We’ve fixed parts of it, but we’ll never fix the whole thing.

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                • Probably not. Humans are too greedy to think about the small matter of the planet we live on. It’ll bite us back one day.


                • I think it’s already nipping at my heels.

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  4. Unfortunately, too true…

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  5. Ain’t that the truth!


  6. Love this. As a matter of fact, I gave this to my college class to write an essay on when it first came out.
