What We Can Do!!!! – Reblog – Judy Dykstra-Brown

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I’ve been saying for some time that it isn’t enough to rail against the conditions in the concentration camps currently being filled with those seeking asylum in the U.S. We need to propose some solutions. Today I received a communication that offers solutions–or at least ways in which we can support those attempting to institute measures to end the atrocities in these camps. Here is a link to view what is happening in the camps–many of them run by a big-time contributor to Trump and several senators as well as a list of things you can do to help. 

Some excerpts from the link above: 

But why are these camps any different from the detention centers we’ve been hearing about for the last year?  Elizabeth C. McLaughlin explains why: 

“These concentration camps (let’s call them what they are) will be under the control of the Department of Homeland Security, but within the Department of Defense. Unlike ICE facilities, which allow site inspectors inside, there will be no inspection of military-run camps. 

 The military will be able to deny access to anyone it chooses. No media. No oversight. Lawyers will not be allowed in. Human rights monitors will not be allowed in. The camps will also be protected airspace, meaning that no drones can fly over them to take pictures of what’s going on inside. The Trump administration will be able to conduct itself in whatever way it wants to without anyone knowing what’s going on inside.” 

Categories: Conscience and morality, corruption, Government, History, reblog

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13 replies

  1. This makes me angry. The asylum seekers our government have imprisoned on Nauru and Manus Islands are under similar restrictions. Since when was it a crime to want a better life for yourself and your family?


  2. This is a national nightmare and every day I wonder why there is not a bigger outcry.


  3. I feel sick and ill…… this is beyond terrible!


  4. That is a dicy issue.
