MORE OF THOSE JULY BLUES … Marilyn Armstrong

Stormy Afternoon in the Diner

It’s very hot. Not hot like “hot,” but even hotter than that. It may have cooled off a little because about an hour ago, I heard thunder while I was showering.

I quickly rinsed everything off because who knows if the power is going down? Bad enough to have the power go out — which means the water pump is not working — but having that happen while you are covered in conditioner and suds. Yuck!

The power has stayed on, though the cable has been dicey. But it’s ridiculously hot and the humidity broke 1000% early this morning.

I don’t mind the heat as much as the intense humidity which makes it hard for me (and every other asthmatic) to breathe. I keep hoping sanity will hit Medicare and they will find a way to make sure we have inhalers again.

I get “testers” from the doctor, but I use them only when I’m desperate. Which means if I’m not moving at all IN the house IN air-conditioning — and I’m still gasping for breath. That’s our fabulous medical care system at work.

That’s only a small digression. Because until the heatwave breaks, I really can’t go outside. The air is so humid, it feels thick. Not like real air. It feels like you are wearing it rather than walking through it. It doesn’t move. No breeze. It lays heavily on everything.

The heatwave will break in another few days or so we hope. Until then, I’m “inside woman”!

Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Marilyn Armstrong, square, Summer

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6 replies

  1. It’s pretty hot and humid here too. We’re laying low except we have to get the groceries today if we want to eat.


  2. That does sound terrible. We get the problem of humidity over here, being an island, and I know exactly what you mean about feeling as though you’re wearing the air rather than walking through it. That’s a very good way to put it. And it makes sleep impossible, so it must be hell for you if you struggle with breathing too. Poor you. I hope it passes soon. 🙂


  3. I am liking your wonderful photographs, but cannot like your inhaler situation. That’s just dreadful. Really hope they find a way to give you all inhalers again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They want $488 for ONE month! So most of the people who need them don’t have them. It’s awful. Especially this time of year. Colder air is easier to breathe.


      • oh my, that’s an impossible amount.

        The more I hear about your health system the more terrified I get that ours is heading that way thanks to our awful government

        Liked by 1 person

  4. We were lucky not to have so much humidity during our heat wave. We don’t have air conditioning as a rule, just a few might have fixed up something in their homes, but it is not a regular thing here. Our next intense heat wave should be arriving next week, at the moment it is sunny skies and a pleasant breeze.
