Another person died of Eastern Equine Encephalitis today. And they did not spray last night because it was too cold. Swell. Maybe it’ll be warmer tonight. We can hope.

Not that the spraying is going to fully solve the problem. We are still advised to wear long everything and a lot of DEET. Doubly swell.

And now to the sharing.

Share Your World 8-26-19

If you had to sum up the whole human species in 3 words, what would those words be?

Always too late.

Where is the strangest place you’ve relieved yourself?  Obviously in an emergency situation.

In the woods in Sinai. There weren’t any bathrooms.

1989 shot of earth’s arctic ice

What is the worst smelling place you’ve ever been?

Sitting next to Duke when he let one go. Lord almighty! He left the room and shortly thereafter, the other two left also.

I’m glad it’s not a nightly event!

How drunk is drunk enough?

For me, at all is too drunk. I don’t handle booze well and never did.

If you’d like, please list five things that are priceless to you.

I bet you could take bets on this and probably get it right. But I’m not sure priceless is really the word for it.

Times have changed and what I might have viewed as priceless 30 years ago — or even 20 or 10 — doesn’t carry the same weight it once did. I’m torn between the people I love who are priceless to me — and the world in which I live which is beyond price for the humans who live here.

If we change the wording to “things I couldn’t live without,” it would be easier. My friends and family are priceless to me, but our world is beyond any price.

Categories: #DamsAndWaterfalls, Blackstone Valley, climate change, Earth, Share My World

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10 replies

  1. Dum dee dum, just leaving the room now, for no particular reason, ahem woof.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I so agree with your ‘priceless’ things. And your three words to describe the human species are spot on. 🙂


  3. Thanks Marilyn for Sharing Your World and providing me a thought for next week’s “Gratitude” section. I’ll give due credit too. 🙂 Duke and Pudge share a ‘super power’ apparently. I’ve seen Ziggy get up and leave the room when Pudge launches one of his ‘silent and deadly’ efforts. Makes my eyes water. And Pudge tends to wag his tail just after, perhaps trying to waft the odor away from himself….they’re funny creatures – dogs..


  4. I’m still chuckling over the “Duke’s” powers.


  5. You’re spot on for the last one!

    Liked by 1 person