IT’S ALWAYS SOMETHING – Marilyn Armstrong

I was definitely feeling better.

For one thing, I noticed the house needed cleaning which I hadn’t noticed at all for the previous six weeks.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

There are more birds every day at the feeders and this morning, there was a big gray squirrel swinging from the wires. It appears that most of the birds have come back. I even saw a little Goldfinch the other day.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

I think I missed Autumn. To be fair so did everyone else. I was thinking “Okay, but maybe I can finally get out of the house and do something.” I’ve been stuck in the house feeling really crappy for weeks and it seemed like a couple of days more and I’d be almost normal again.

That’s when Garry broke a tooth. I think it’s in his upper jaw and the doctor concurs. Talk about a lot of pain. I broke that tooth about 15 years ago and it was really bad. I ended a vacation to come home and go to the dentist.

During the two days ago from when I was beginning to feel better and Garry broke his tooth, he seems to have developed infections in one ear and a lymph gland infection too. He’s on the biggest dose of Augmentin I’ve ever seen as well as muscle relaxants, plus some impressive pain killers. Not surprisingly, he’s also sound asleep.

It’s cold today.

I don’t mean a little chilly. It’s a two-sweater kind of cold. Maybe it’s the dampness because it’s also raining. It was this cold last week, but it didn’t feel this nasty.

I finally gave in and turned up the heat to 67 (from 65). My bones were rebelling.

I feel more than a little put upon. I can’t get well from one illness before the next thing wallops Garry? Is this some kind of competition? It ain’t fair!

Meanwhile, Autumn has gone missing. There are yellow leaves, but no reds or orange. We’ve lost that delicious fall weather with a bit of cool snap in the air, the crunching of leaves underfoot — as well as the color. If ONE season had to go missing, why did it have to be the one I like most?

On the street where we live.

I did discover that hemp seed oil makes Bonnie stop barking without putting her into a stupor, so that’s good. In fact, she likes hemp seed oil so much, I could give her the whole bottle and she’d lick her lips and ask for more. I think the other two dogs are getting jealous.

And so it goes. The doctor today and the dentist tomorrow. Are we having fun yet?

Still water and the rush of the dam

Nonetheless, hope remains alive. We have one bright red leaf on our maple tree out front. A single scarlet leaf. It’s a promise that no matter how miserable it is now, it will get better. That red leaf is a promise of more and better to come.

These photographs are here to remind us of Autumns we used to have, back in those golden olden days.

Categories: #Birds, #foliage, #Photography, Autumn, New England

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35 replies

  1. You’re not having fun, but you sure are taking some gorgeous New England fall photos.


    • I’m doing my best. Ironically, here, where we almost never have any color, is full of brilliant yellow and golden leaves. No reds — but that’s because we don’t have any maple trees back there. We do have one in front of the house and there are, as of today TWO (count them, TWO) bright red leaves on it. Maybe they’ll prove contagious.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yup, there is a lot of the “always something” going around in my household as well. Best healing wishes to you and Garry, and may some colorful leaves come your way!


    • The leaves are palely pretty, but it isn’t real autumn. Not like the ones we had a few years ago and for all the decades before that. Meanwhile, Garry can’t eat anything with any sugar until that tooth gets pulled which won’t be until next week when the antibiotics have knocked the abscess down a lot more. I think I’ll make chicken soup. At least there’s no sugar in it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad the hemp seed oil is working for Bonnie. Sorry about the tooth, but I’m glad you are feeling better. Yes we’ve been cheated of autumn colours. Maybe we’ll be cheated out of a snowy winter too? Just hoping.
    Leslie xoxo


  4. Oh, what rotten luck. You and Garry do seem to be taking it in turns to have things go wrong. Such a shame you are missing proper autumn too, your autumns used to be amazing. Our weather is getting more springlike but still madly inconsistent. Most days we are in the low to mid-teens (Celsius) now but we can go from overnight lows of zero and snow on the mountains to a day like Thursday when it was 28 degrees and people went to the beach. Of course, it was wet and chilly the following day. That’s crazy even for Tassie spring.


    • There are a few pale pink and yellow trees, but autumn has gone away. I hope it comes back someday.


      • I noticed yesterday that there is a little apple blossom on my tree but I think it is going to be one of those years when I don’t get much as it blows off the tree as fast as it blooms. Also I wasn’t able to get the tree pruned so it’s not looking its best.


    • This had better be the tail end of this batch of bad stuff. We had a few peaceful years between my heart surgery and the house falling apart. I like those peaceful periods. A lot. Of course, all that peace was WHEN the house was crumbling. I just didn’t NOTICE.


  5. Hoping you and Garry get better soon. I miss the fall foliage of the north. It’s still in the 90’s here in Flori(duh). Breaking news of a cold front headed our way driving temps to the mid 80’s. Love the photos.


  6. It looks like you live in a truly beautiful place of the world 😊


  7. Garry’s tooth sounds awful. I have not turned the heat on and hope to go a few more days without it… I haven’t broken out the turtlenecks yet either – it was 80 on Tuesday so, who cares if the high was only 50 yesterday ? 😉 Yeah, I hate to see fall go missing. It’s my favorite season as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I got ONE decent fall-like picture in Uxbridge. The dam is conveniently next to the dentist’s office. Garry has an abcess underneath a filling below the gumline and two other invisible fillings. Antibiotics. Pain killers. Muscle relaxants. He says he feels like he has a terrible hangover. Given the drugs and the pain, what did he think would happen? They won’t pull the tooth until next Wednesday when most of the infection has been reduced by the antibiotics (these are huge!). He’ll feel better when they get the tooth out. And fill the other two cavities that are not abcesses. And he is a really obsessive keeper of his teeth. Go figure.

      The doctor told him that if it tastes good, don’t eat it. NO sugar. NO soft drinks. I have no idea how I’m going to cook this week.

      I turned the heat up from 65 to 67. I generally keep it around 66 even in mid-winter. I think I feel the cold more early in the year than later when I’ve gotten used to it. Also, the price of oil has gone WAY up and Garry’s teeth are not, alas, covered by Medicare. I keep hoping they will fix this and add the things older people absolutely NEED: eyeglasses, hearing aids, and dental. Our teeth wear out over the years. You can always tell the age of a dog or horse by their teeth too. It’s normal wear and tear, but it’s so damned expensive to get the work done.

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  8. Looks like we are missing autumn again this year! And we are so happy for the “cold” front. The high temp today should be only 85 (ten degrees down) 🤓

    Liked by 1 person

    • The heat missed us. It has been COLD up here. Not that it did much for the trees. I got ONE nice shot by the Mumford in downtown Uxbridge, conveniently located next to the Dentist’s office. Garry is living on antibiotics, muscle relaxants, and pain killers. We were watching Iron Man 3 and he said he didn’t understand what was going on. I said no one understood what was going on including the actors or the director. He drifted back to sleep.

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  1. IN THE SPIRIT OF DOING WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING … Marilyn Armstrong | Serendipity Seeking Intelligent Life on Earth