ALMOST THE END OF THE LINE – Marilyn Armstrong


Hard to imagine October is done. Finito. My favorite month. The only thing about it I don’t like is that winter is right behind it.

The cold is closing in quickly. I don’t have a good feeling about this winter. Last year, we had basically “late Autumn” until March. Then it snowed like mad for a few weeks. The rest of the season was not snowy. We had a lot of rain and mud and ice, but hardly any snow until my birthday.

Woods and fence blizzard

Welcome to my 72 birthday. It was a 15-inch blizzard. And there I was, thinking we were going to get through winter without snow. One year (during the past 20) we had a snow-free winter, but the following year we had so much snow we had to have our roof shoveled three times to keep it from caving in.

That’s the really bad part of really good attic insulation. The heat from the house never gets to your roof, so the tons of snow never melts. Each subsequent snow piles on top of earlier blizzards.

Farewell, October

The winters of 2015 and 2016 were both like living in Mongolia or maybe Antarctica. One of our cars (we had two back then) was literally buried. You literally could not see it. Driving down our narrow roads was like driving in a tunnel with the snow 10 feet high on both sides from the plowing. I remember when Kaity was very young and she asked if the giant piles of snow and ice were going to become glaciers which they were studying in school.

I explained that I didn’t think so, but who could tell anymore?

Nonetheless, this is still nominally October, so let’s think orange and pumpkin-flavored donuts.

Categories: #Photography, Autumn, climate, Holidays, Marilyn Armstrong, square, Weather, Winter

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8 replies

  1. You’re still young in your 70s . . .but totally understand how you feel about snow and going out.


  2. Oh that “woods and fence blizzard” really captures the moment.


  3. You had me at pumpkin-flavored donuts. We barely get autumn here in my part of sunny FL. As it is now, it’s raining, humid and I have the A/C on.


  4. I have also become an Autumn fan. Winter is not my thing, especially since I have become the only car driver in the family


  5. I totally agree with you, Marilyn. I love fall colors but they remind me that cold and snow are not far behind. And all predictions are that this winter is going to be colder and snowier than usual. I feel that I’m getting too old to deal with this, but at least where we live now someone else will shovel the snow and sometimes even clean off our car! Still, if it gets too intolerable, we will have to find a way to go to a warmer climate for a few weeks at least! Meanwhile, we hunker down and try to get through whatever Mother Nature throws at us!


    • I can barely walk on bumpy ground when it’s NOT winter. We’ll get it dealt with, but I wind up spending a LOT of time at home in the winter. My husband is 77 — and he doesn’t go out unless he has no choice. We really ARE too old for this … but where would we go?


      • Funny about Kaity asking if the snow and ice would turn to glaciers — as I read this, I envisioned glaciers on the roof!
