FOWC with Fandango — Allegory

I decided this morning that if our government doesn’t feel they need to obey laws, why should we? They have declared us as a non-government. They have no laws by which they need to abide, so why are we bothering?

Allegorical equality

Our president, good old mentally defective #45 doesn’t feel he owes us, the voters and citizens of this country, anything at all. Putting aside for the moment his obvious mental illness, stupidity, bigotry, viciousness, cruelty, and mean-spiritedness — he is a big bag of air, an empty nothingness.

Allegory of hatred and bigotry – By: Aleix-Pons

Allegorically speaking, we don’t have a government. If our purported leader can do anything he wants, why can’t we? Why can’t we all do whatever we want, whenever we feel like it? We do we have to work? Or pay taxes? Why do we have to obey traffic laws? We can all carry guns and when we need something, we can just shove the gun in someone’s face and demand it. That’s what the prez does and I think he has set us a fine example of what the world he believes in.

If just one of us stops obeying laws, we’ll get busted.  But what if ALL of us — the entire body politic —  stopped obeying not one, but ALL laws? Stopped obeying even the most basic rules of common sense and civility? What if we all refused to send our children to school? Refused to stop for red lights and parked anywhere we felt like parking? We can all carry big guns so when we ran out of money or anything else, we can hold up the nearest store or bank. We’ll just take what we need, grab what we want, and when they try to arrest us, say “screw you” and shoot our way out.

Allegory of the Cave – Plato

They couldn’t catch all of us. After a while, I’m pretty sure they’d give up trying and take to chaos too. I bet the previous so-called police would be the best law-breakers of them all. They’ve got the training to do evil way better than me. Just wait until the military goes wild.

Do I really think this is a good idea? No. But that’s the example being set for us, so after a while, we have to begin to wonder “why not?” The wild west wasn’t nearly as wild as we could make today’s America.

So if you feel chaos and law-breaking is a good idea for Those People, it should be good for us too. That’s what allegory is all about, isn’t it? Or is that metaphor? So hard to be sure.

Categories: #FOWC, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, justice, Law, Legal Matters, Marilyn Armstrong, Uncategorized

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14 replies

  1. Allegorically speaking, we don’t have a government. If our purported leader can do anything he wants, why can’t we? Why can’t we all do whatever we want, whenever we feel like it? We do we have to work? Or pay taxes? Why do we have to obey traffic laws? We can all carry guns and when we need something, we can just shove the gun in someone’s face and demand it. That’s what the prez does and I think he has set us a fine example of what the world he believes in.

    We can say the same about 46…. Forty executive orders straight out of the gate. most in US history.

    Wake up! This is not about D or R, left or right.


    • At the moment, it’s a mess…and it’s not a mess from one president, although he certainly made it a lot worse than it was before. But it has been working on a long downhill slope for decades and either we find a way — collectively, all of us — to lift it back up or we are not going to have anything we recognize as a nation. If the GOP won’t cooperate — at all — which has been what they’ve been doing for years, they can laugh as they go off to check their bank accounts. Who will suffer? You. Me. Regular folks. It’s not even frightening. It’s just depressing.

      Sure Biden is using the same tactics to undo what T**** did. What else can he do? If he can’t get any of the GOP to cooperate and try to save their own country, the one they pledged to protect and serve, then it’s just an insane free-for-all and we can be sure that WE will be the losers. Only the rich and powerful will survive — and I wonder for how long that will be? When a nation collapses, in the end everyone pays the bill.


  2. I caught some of today’s Senate follies and you’re right, Trump’s attorneys were essentially saying that he is the state and, therefore, whatever benefits him personally also benefits the state and is, therefore, neither illegal nor an abuse of power. It all makes me want to puke.


  3. While I understand the fury inspired (impelled? Instigated?) by 45, I think rational people need to cling even harder to their beliefs in the face of madness, lest the chaos prevail and suck us down with the refuse teeming in the sewers. Hold on to whatever reason you’ve got. It may be all that is left in the world, and finite resources should be preserved, not squandered on the thankless troglodytes in power.


  4. You’ve said it!!!


  5. Well, now THAT’s a thought….!
    That Aleix Pons’ allegory is something else. Love the turd, well placed.


    • Thank you. I was just briefly reading the news and was so disgusted by the whole thing, all I could think of was “Well if THEY can do anything they want without regard for the law or the constitution, why shouldn’t we all do whatever we want?” I’m probably too old for chaos, but if I were younger, I think I could get my head behind it.

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