In the midst of the madness, the flying squirrels come every night and eat at least four or five pounds of birdseed. That’s approximately 2 kilos.

You can almost see the whole squirrel!

We’ve stopped filling the feeder every night because there’s food in the forest and they don’t really need to dine at our place every night, but apparently, our food is tastier.

A few nights ago, the overnight camera went wild and took another 1020 pictures, about 800 of which were squirrels you couldn’t see because they were on the back end of the feeder. Or the amount of squirrel you could see was so small, it really wasn’t worth processing.

It has taken me several days to go through all of those pictures and weed out a few more than 800 of them. I should probably dump another hundred and fifty because I doubt I’ll ever process them. These are the best of the bunch.

Categories: #Photography, Flying squirrels, Marilyn Armstrong, night, Wildlife

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11 replies

  1. Wise move Marilyn, they’ll be fine now.


  2. Cheeky little blighters! 😀


  3. I think your flying squirrels are a bit lazy and it is easier to visit you than to forage, Marilyn. Great pictures and it is rather wonderful to have them visit.
