Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Sense of Hearing

No surprise that hearing is a big issue in this household. I’ve lost some hearing, but it’s in a more or less normal range for my age. I often feel like I need to turn up the world’s volume a couple of notches.

Garry Armstrong

Garry has been hard-of-hearing his whole life and it got a lot worse in the last couple of years. Almost 2 years ago, he had a cochlear implant and these days, he can have conversations on the phone, watch TV at a normal volume and even talk with me! Imagine that!

He can even go to a party and not feel left out. That’s incredible progress.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Cochlear implant, Garry Armstrong, Hearing, Marilyn Armstrong

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13 replies

  1. My sympathies to Garry. I have severe hearing loss as well. I sometime wear hearing aids and have all the doodads for increasing volume of everything. Cochlear implant not viable because of Meniere’s syndrome caused by severe head trauma. Poor wife and kids have to deal my constant what, huh and I don’t understand. Doesn’t help my fiddle playing wither when suddenly I can’t hear my E string. Gives strangling the parrot a whole new meaning. Have learned to work out on A and pretend I just don’t like E very much. But, better than no head.


    • I’m sorry you can’t get the implant. While Garry’s hearing isn’t perfect, it is a LOT better. He isn’t working very hard at hearing better. I think he figures at 78, that he CAN hear is just fine. We can actually have a conversation and we had reached a point where I was wondering if we both needed to learn sign language. it took some months for “normal” hearing to kick in, but once it did, it was just great. There are still sounds he can’t hear. He has trouble with consonants, especially at the beginning and end of a statement. That’s still enormously better. One of his ears was essentially dead and the other was 85% down, which is pretty bad. You’ve been checked and you’re sure you can’t do it? They make advancements every day. Meanwhile, WHAT? Can you repeat that? Huh?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It seems to have been a great success….


  3. Oh I bet hearing has changed Garry’s life and yours as well. Wonderful post. 😀


  4. Great to see Garry all set to enjoy the music of life around him. Lots of best wishes to him and may you both indulge in lovey dovey talks ):


  5. Hearing is so important to the enjoyment of life — how fortunate Garry is to be able to take advantage of the new technologies!


    • I am very grateful too. I was afraid we’d be unable to communicate in the VERY near future. I wish he’d had this option years ago, but better now than never!


    • Oddly, the technology has been around for more than 30 years, but they have refined the equipment a lot in recent years and they are working on an implant that will live inside your head and free you from hearing aids. MIT is actually working on it. I know they have a working model, but it’s not ready yet.



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