Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: From the Back

A lot of my best pictures have been from the back, but most of them are not (yet) in black and white. I spent most of yesterday processing photographs. Between the time I picked up the camera and a little while later, put it down, I took 120 pictures. It took me a while to sift through them. I also had t go out on the deck and move the plants so i could actually see anything. Some of the pictures I regretfully didn’t use were taken through the leaves. For some reason, my camera will do that. The areas shot through leaves look like there’s a green fog in front of them. I saved some of them. At some point, I might find something interesting to do with them.

At the tolls, it’s always from the back

Back of Titmouse

And just a few more cows

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Local cows (good milk)

Photo: Garry Armstrong

The Duke

The Terriers

Definitely from the rear

Back end of bird

The end

Given that the past few weeks have been downright frantic, I took the archival way out today and spent almost all day, other than making supper, listening to a book. And REALLY enjoying listening to the book. liking it so much, I might listen to the whole thing again tomorrow.

Cee's Black-White

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Photography, #Squirrel, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge

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8 replies

  1. You nailed this challenge! 🙂


  2. Sounds all very good and interesting. Like the ‘back side’ collection too!


  3. These are wonderful photos Marilyn. I really like the horses 😀


  4. Well done Marilyn. I’m studying the rear end of cows because I want to do a painting of going out to pasture. My first attempts we remarkably like a horse. There’s quite a difference between the rear end of a horse and a cow.
