Fandango’s Provocative Question #86: DREAMS BY NIGHT

This week, Fandango would like to know what was the weirdest dream we can remember and what do we think might have triggered it?

This was a real dream. I remember it because it was very clear and because its meaning was pretty obvious. It had to be at least fifty years ago since I was in my twenties. I dreamed I was in a tall tower with a long, spiraling staircase. I was supposed to climb all the way to the top. It being a dream, no further explanation was necessary, so I began to climb. The steps seemed to go on forever. Time is very warped in dreams, so for all I know, it might have taken a few minutes or even seconds.

I climbed and climbed. Finally, at last, I reached the top. There, at the very top of the tower was a steel door with a heavy iron lock and a sign which said:

“Room of Records. Sealed. No entry.”

To this day, I have a lot of missing memories. This could be just as well considering what I do remember isn’t heartening. Nonetheless, it was a long climb to a locked room. I don’t recall any follow-up dreams, so I’m guessing I never went into that room. I never got to see those records.

Maybe those were our Permanent Records? You know, the ones they threatened us with in school, as in: “This is going on your permanent record, young lady!” All those permanent records have to be somewhere, right?

Categories: #FPQ, Provocative Questions, Word Prompt

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15 replies

  1. All those “permanent” PAPER records from back when we were in school, Marilyn, probably went up in smoke or were destroyed when the plumbing in the permanent records room burst.


  2. St. Peter has the key to that room….when you meet him, you’ll get to go in. I bet you’ll have a lot to read too!


  3. What a strange dream, Marilyn. Maybe that locked room is where your missing memories were, and would continue to be, stored. Fascinating read. 🙂


  4. Now that would be a bummer after climbing all that way.


  5. I have had two strange dreams. In one I walked up a small, wooden stairway to a closed door. I opened it and saw an empty room except for a man dressed in black sitting on a straight wooden chair in the middle of the room. When he saw me, he rose and started walking towards me. He was dressed all in black, and I knew if he touched me, I would die.So, i turned, and with heavy legs ran from the room. I think he may have been the masculine side of myself trying t get in touch and be accepted. I told this to a psychiatrist friend at dinner one night, and he said he thought I was right. I don’t know. Maybe I had it all wrong.


  6. Intriguing dream.
