Fresh Prizes: For Marilyn and Garry | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

A happy 30th anniversary to both of us. Who imagined we’d last this long?

Fresh Prizes

Even though she thinks she knows him to the bone,
another little detail comes forward to be shown.
Like a little prize, presented for her viewing,
after all these years, he’s not finished with his wooing.

No fact  inconsequential as he unveils his life,
so even after decades as a man and wife,
new mysteries are still revealed in words coined charismatically.
Each new revelation, an avowal made emphatically.

This poem is in answer to Marilyn Armstrong’s comment about her husband, Garry:

“We still are discovering things we didn’t know about each other. You’d think we’d know it all by now, but we keep surprising each other. It’s kind of cool.”

Source: Fresh Prizes: For Marilyn and Garry | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

Categories: #Photography, #Writing, Arts, old photograph, poem, Poetry, reblog, Romance, senior citizens

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14 replies

  1. Aaaaawh – how wonderful – and how fitting for you both! My heart-felt congratulations, and to many more years in this togetherness and unity.


  2. How wonderful! And what a splendid and brilliant anniversary tribute to your 30yrs of being a couple. Many heart-felt congratulations and blessings to this festive day. Hope you’ll be doing something special 🙂


    • How special it is will probably depend on the state of the pandemic. At the very least, we MIGHT go out for dinner, although it might have to be “take out. ” I admit, I’m getting restless.

      Liked by 1 person

    • And isn’t it great that I get to spend it at the dentist?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, and I thought my comment I made ‘then’ when I saw it first, was lost! I sadly can’t view the posts correctly on the iPad, and I can only reply in the reader, so I also don’t see who wrote what! But even reading it again just now made me go ‘aaaawh all over, and the poem is SO fitting for you guys.


  3. Congratulations and many blessings.


  4. thats beautiful marilyn! I hope you have an amazing 30th anniversary!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s a beautiful tribute.

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