First there was the big male orange Cardinal. He was orange and he stayed orange. Then along came and orange lady Cardinal and together, they made a few orange baby Cardinals who are growing up. Orange. Now, what’s particularly interesting about this is that they have found other groups of orange Cardinals. They have found a group of them in North Carolina. Cornell University’s Ornithological Department has begun to research orange Cardinals. They are trying to figure out whether or not this is a genuine genetic alteration or has something to do with nutrition or air or water … or something else. Although we are dead broke and in debt and getting even more in debt, I decided to put my money where my mouth is and I signed up for a monthly contribution of $8.00 a month. Not exactly a huge contribution, but I can probably squeeze that much money out of our tiny little budget.

The thing is, more than a billion birds have disappeared over the past 12-years. Maybe more. Originally, it was assumed that the reason for the plunge in bird life was habitation destruction. But now, they are wondering if it isn’t something more than that. We nearly lost our Robins and Blue Jays to viruses and bacterial infections. Many finches have eye infections. Certainly destruction of habitat is a major problem, but it isn’t the only problem. If we don’t research our birds, we won’t have birds and I won’t get to listen to the morning song I hear every summer’s morning.

Categories: #animals, #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, Wildlife

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11 replies

  1. I never knew of orange cardinals and I’ve admired cardinals my entire life! What an awesome pledge from you to help them. And I’m kind of ashamed I didn’t know about them. Well, …one learns everyday and I’m glad to know of them!


    • They just showed up here one day. At first, I thought i had to be mistaken, but eventually, when my son said it looked exactly like a Cardinal — but orange — and took pictures and started to learn more. I do not know if there are more of them except for the group in North Carolina. There may be. I hope I find out.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful photos!! Orange cardinals, that’s a new one on me…well since you started showing them in your photos. Cardinals have always been red. I’m discouraged to hear about the avian losses, I suppose they are another victim of ‘man’s destruction of the planet. How sad and how lucky we are to have you immortalizing so many through photography! Thank you!


    • We’ve been losing birds by the millions for more than a decade and books have been written about it. It’s just that no one has been listening. I hope they are listening now.


  3. They’re gorgeous!


  4. I’m waiting for a picture of the bumper sticker on your car, Marilyn–“Let me show you pictures of my grandbirds!” 😀

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