Kinda like Birds of Many Feathers

I have to admit, I have taken a lot of pictures of birds. i know this because when i look for pictures — any kind of pictures — the page is dominated by photographs of birds. I hadn’t realized I’d become so obsessive about taking birdy pictures, but the evidence is hard to ignore.

That for the past 7 months we have rarely left this property probably has a lot to do with it. The birds — and associated other small wildlife — are the only interesting things to take pictures of.

Categories: #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, Autumn, Wildlife

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12 replies

  1. Beautiful birds… We’re grateful for ours too! We even have a chipmunk who raids the suet feeder at regular intervals. ❤


  2. Such beautiful little creatures, I can’t blame you for your fascination.


  3. But they are so wildly interesting – I’ve never ever known anybody being in such close contact with such an array of beautiful bird creatures! So, you might as well make the best of this unique occasion (and the finest of fine food is helping greatly!!)


    • We do have a lot of different birds. I think where we live has a lot more birds than most places. They also vary by season and their colors change depending on whether they are breeding or not. They really are lovely to watch. But very messy!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. we are very grateful for your obsession 🙂


  5. I can’t believe how many varieties of birds you have. No wonder you are obsessed.
