I shouldn’t blame it on the squirrels

It’s the birds who made the real mess. And trust me, it’s really a mess. Just to make it even worse, I bought a couple of bags of special fancy food for the finches. It’s got a lot of their favorite nuts (pistachios, pieces of peanuts, dried cranberries, cherries and raisins) as well as the usual millet, sunflower, and safflower seeds. The squirrels are not terribly interested in the new seeds because they are too small, so we also put out a few quarts of black sunflower seeds that the squirrels love.

Today was a big day for the little red squirrels. I think they are breeding. They are chasing each other around trees. Also, one of them spent a lot of time doing a strange thing with his tail. Does anyone know what it means when a squirrel twirls his tail? Seriously. I’ve never seen one do that. First he swished it back and forth, then started to make it swirl in a furry circle. I don’t know about the girl squirrel I think he was courting, but I was impressed. Sorry I can’t show you. Not only did I not film it, I had just taken the card out of my camera. The really interesting things always happen AFTER Ii remove the card. It’s one of the Murphy’s Laws.


Categories: #gallery, #Photography, #Squirrel, Blackstone Valley, Wildlife

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12 replies

  1. You capture such happiness for squirrels. The first photograph is especially charming. And you provided the source of their happiness. Food to have now, maybe some to bury later. I shouldn’t be surprised that squirrels use their tails in courting. The tails move flexibly, after all. I’m sorry to hear the birds are messy, though they’re probably having a good time, too, thanks to you.


    • Sometimes, you have to make choices. In this case, I’d rather know these little guys are fed and can survive the winter and make more birds as the world turns. If frequently sweeping the porch the worst I have to put up with, I’m good with that.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gorgeous squirrel shots Marilyn – and fascinating about the tail antics


  3. I’m thinking the little red ones are drama students who are practicing their dramatic entrance flourishes xxx


  4. Lol! little cuties! I love squirrels! So darn cute!
