FOTD – February 24 –Macro Flowers

I haven’t used my macro lens in a while, probably because nothing is blooming. My orchid is sending up shoots and I’m ignoring it except for watering because the two times I tried to tie up the new shoots, I broke them. So now, I’m afraid to touch it. My repotted Christmas Cactus seems to be depressed and I think I have to put different soil in the pot. This soil might be too light, even for a cactus.

Nothing is growing outside, though finally the snow is melting and I’m hoping by the beginning of March, we’ll see some crocuses popping up in the garden. And by then, maybe one of my orchids will be making a bud and my cactus will revive. I hate the idea of repotting it again. It suffered a lot of destruction last time and doing it again doesn’t seem like my best idea. I’ll think on it.

Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Macro

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12 replies

  1. Beautiful flowers my friend. Are these recent, and if so, what gear did you use? Not that it is all that important.


    • Actually, it was the macro lens on either the EM 5 M2 or one of its predecessors. Same lens, though. The lenses go on and on even though the cameras change. I use the macro lens, but it takes a lot of patience. A LOT of patience. Sometimes, I want to throw it out the window.

      Kaity has the EM 5 M2 now and all the lenses I never used and some I used only occasionally, but I thought she was going to need including the Sigma 60 because she needed one really fast lens and that was an f1.4.. I was originally going to give her the older OM-D, but the older one is missing some things — like a previewer for photo. I think it’s the ONLY camera I’ve seen that is missing that function. Even my cheapest mini cameras had that. I think maybe they forgot to attach the button.

      She loves the camera and is using it every day. She’s actually becoming a working photographer. She SUBSCRIBES to photoshop. If I ever get out of debt, I will probably subscribe too. Nothing else is nearly as good as Photoshop. I’m so used to working with it, I’m not sure I know how to NOT use it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh what a marvelous gallery. I really like your fuchsia photo 😀


    • Thanks you very much.

      I loved my fuchsia! Owen saved the one from last summer. It’s blooming happily downstairs in his bathroom (the brightest room he has). The birds trashed the plant, so if I’m going to have fuchsia, I’ll have to put up another post just for them. They are so graceful and come in every color and combination you can imagine.


  3. The last one, the purple and white is so pretty!


  4. Lovely to see such colour!
