FOTD – May 4 – Tulips

Although the pictures of tulips will come, I wanted to start out by telling you that tonight I actually saw a real, live flying squirrel happily munching on the big suet and mealworm bar in the upper flat feeder. Owen turned the floodlight on and he didn’t fly away. I guess he was hungry. So I went to the door and we watched him until he raised his gliders and slid off into the night.

There was also a Rose-breasted Grosbeak out back too, though the cowbirds chased him away. Earlier in the day, I watched two squirrels duking it out for the black sunflower seeds. There was a Red-bellied Woodpecker eating on one feeder and some smaller birds on the other one.

On the deck there was a dove and a chipmunk. Both were cleaning up the seeds on the deck. They weren’t exactly friends, but when the chipmunk moved, the dove jumped. He didn’t fly away, though. He just sort of hopped over the chipmunk as the little striped chow hound determinedly continued to fill up on seeds.

Looking for a few seeds

They have not made friends, but they have made peace. I think all of we ever so much smarter humans should do the same thing.

Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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2 replies

  1. Beautiful tulips and Owen’s feathered friends 😀
