Last on the Card – October 2021

I’m up to my chin in photographs right now. 38,885 photographs in just two years is about 30,000 pictures too many. Nonetheless, we finally got a few hours during which it didn’t rain today. Mind you, I has been raining relentless and hard for this entire week, so any level of sunshine was a big deal. I carefully took just a dozen shots because despite the wind and the rain, the leaves really are spectacular. Pity we couldn’t get outside for them. I should check my other cameras too, I suppose. Meanwhile, here’s the last of today’s pictures.

This is the maple tree right in front of my picture window

This was NOT the last picture on the card, but I already published the last two. This was third from the last and frankly, they all look very much alike, the main difference being how I cropped them. This particular camera has a cinematic format which i keep intending to change, but keep forgetting, so I have to crop them of they are very long and very thin and don’t fit well in WordPress’s format. I really have to fix that setting. Tomorrow.

This is the last one from my Panasonic. It’s having an electronic issue. I don’t know if it will work properly again, so this might REALLY be its last picture. It looks foggy because the window has a lot of Duke’s nose smears on it!

That’s it. Everything else is at least a week old. Now I have to go find a missing lens. We have four OMD Olympus cameras and all the lenses fit all the cameras, so when a lens is missing, it’s not really missing. It’s on a different camera or in some other bag. Time to go a’hunting!

Categories: #foliage, #LastPhoto, #Photography, Anecdote, Blackstone Valley

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9 replies

  1. I love the Autumn colors of your Maple Tree leaves. So vibrant!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Maples are definitely the big winners in the bright foliage department. other trees turn yellow or orange, but those maples turn scarlet. We don’t have many of them because they need more sun than is generally available. The oaks make everything but the very edges of the woods deep and shady.


  2. gorgeous coloured leaves!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Like the view from your picture window (what is that, anyway?). And I like the blurry, faulty shot of your Panasonic. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, surely?!


  4. Gorgeous pictures as usual. Today I have also posted my last squares. Your squirrel was surely a hero of past and present squares.


  5. Yes lots of photos can be hard to control. Good Last Photo Marilyn. Thanks for joining in 😀
