The Morning Dawdle: Wild Aloha!
and FOTD – Cee’s Flower of the Day

It’s Monday morning and what better a time for pictures of flowers — and answering questions — than right now?

The Cactus is in full bloom — and more buds are appearing. I guess it’s going to be a full blooming, not just a few odd flowers
Aloe – This plant was close to dead having been left unwatered for months. It has come back from nearly dead to very alive!
A very standard Jade tree in sunlight. It didn’t look healthy so I repotted it last spring. As soon as it got a bigger pot, it started to grow like mad!

Who do you think you might be in an alternate universe?

About half the people living in the U.S. seem to not only be in an alternate universe, but appear to be on a different planet in another system. It’s a little baffling when you spend a lifetime dealing with one society only to find you have gotten old and life in your native land seems bizarre and unfamiliar. I know I’m not alone in feeling like this, but it’s a very peculiar way to feel. I feel displaced. Maybe I’m the one in an alternate universe.

What would be the most surreal situation you could imagine finding yourself in?

I think I’m already there.

You won!! You have five minutes for a Supermarket Dash in the FoodHall – what will you fill your trolley/shopping cart with?

Honestly, I have no idea. We are so lacking in storage space that we buy carefully, even when things are on sale because if we don’t, there’s no place to put the food. Maybe things that don’t go bad like birdseed, dog kibble, flour, rice, dried beans. I think we’d have to get an AWFUL lot of that stuff, so maybe that’s not practical either. Could they just give us money instead?

You have 60 minutes to hide 50 million in hard currency in your house. Where would you put the money/cash to avoid detection?

Sew it in a giant fabric bag and use it as a beanbag chair or sofa. There’s nowhere else to PUT it. Did I mention we have no storage space? We REALLY have no storage space. No kidding.

Categories: #cactus, #Flowers, #FOTD, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Humor, indoor garden, Q & A, questions, Sci Fi - Fantasy - Time Travel

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25 replies

  1. Beautiful flowers and a fun post. 😊


  2. Beautiful photos Marilyn 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Cee. It’s nice when things bloom as the winter-that-wasn’t draws to a close. I have to be careful. Usually when one of us says this, there’s huge blizzard on the way.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Monday, Monday.

        Morning — Dentist visit. Teeth cleaned. Next up: Fillings. No, no gold.
        Afternoon — The sun also rises.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely flowers, Marilyn. I love how you always make me laugh at the end of your posts, even when their subject is very serious.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The whole world is fast becoming an alternative place, and rumour has it will get worse…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I often wonder at what point I fell through the cracks of reality and landed here. I’m not even sure where “here” is anymore. I mean, I can find it on a map, but that doesn’t mean much. Besides. I’m sure some cabal-mongers out there are denying the reality of maps, too. Why not? Nothing else is “real,” so let’s dispute geography. After that, let’s attack ARITHMETIC!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jaye and Anita, no happy Hollywood ending in sight here. Not unless you’re on a parallel planet and there are no guarantees there.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Good answers Marilyn and l agree, l sometimes think l am already on an alternate reality plane here in the UK. Extra large bean bags is awesome and yes give me the money instead was my first response as well 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Love your idea to sew the money up in a fabric bag! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. America seems to be in an alternate universe, most of it.

    Liked by 2 people