CMMC: May – Imperial Purple

I’m not sure how “imperial” these purple flowers are, but they are a very rich purple. Imperial enough for me!

This was a great day for flowers. It was time to “summer-ize” our deck. We always wait until too late so there aren’t a lot of choices left. This time, we got things exactly on time. Last night they announced that it was probably the final frost of the season – and since we intended to go flower shopping today, we felt safe putting out the flowers. None of them are purple. We have a lot of red ones because they attract hummingbirds. No fuchsia because we no longer have shade since we had to cut down the tree that used to provide shade.

Purple Macro Orchids — more like deep violet

I also included one picture of my purple orchids, though I’m pretty sure they are closer to violet than imperial purple.

Categories: #CMMC, #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge, colors, Flower of the day

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3 replies

  1. Stunning photographs Marilyn 🙂


  2. My favorite photo for this week is your fuschia 😀 😀


  3. I love purple! The lilac I had to prune quite severely last year has produced two glorious flowers. It should be wonderful next year…
