Bright Light on a Spring Afternoon

Finding squarable photographs by Garry is no small feat, but I did it! He took all of these in one of the parks by the Blackstone River and Canal on a warm spring day.

Down by the Blackstone River
Strolling by the canal
Stepping down to the water
Marilyn by Garry, or as I usually put it, Mar by Gar

Categories: #Photography, Garry Armstrong, landscape, River

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12 replies

  1. these made me smile – loved walking with you both


  2. Really? I remember that film from years ago. Robert Mitchum was so great as the hunter. Did Charles Laughton direct that,or am I going completely ding dong?


  3. Very nice! The stone steps especially speak to me of ‘squares”. But all the photos are awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Those steps into the river are enticing.

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