
When Garry said I should come out and grab my camera, I wasn’t as thrilled as I usually am. Mid November is usually drab, vying with early March for nothing special to shoot. Nonetheless, I went. I haven’t taken any pictures for over a week and my camera was lonely.

Mallards golden november at the dam

As we left the house, the sun came out. I noticed more than a bit of autumn foliage. Most of the trees are half bare. Naked branches cluster right, left, or center … but the rest of the tree is still clothed in golden leaves.

November Mallards dam blackstone

Our first stop was Whitins Pond. The last time we were there, it was mostly muddy bottom. No birds and not enough water to float a canoe. Today it looked normal. The mallards I saw were too far away to shoot, but I was glad to see them swimming lazily on what may be the last warm day of this autumn.

Mallards November Mumford

Garry suggested we check out the dam in the middle of town. When we got there, it was after three … late afternoon since the clocks were turned back. The light was golden and so were the trees along the Mumford River. The angle of the sun and the trees turned the river to gold.

mallard Mumford golden

We were above the dam and a whole flock a mallards were enjoying an excursion. There were males with their bright teal heads, females and adolescents — full-grown, but not yet wearing their adult feathers.

November Mallards Mumford

It was gorgeous. These pictures are not processed. This is how it looked in the lens. No special effects … or any effects … were used. Just a little cropping. A drab day turned into a miraculous day.

November Mallards golden Mumford

Categories: #animals, #DamsAndWaterfalls, #Photography, Autumn, reflection, River

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30 replies



  2. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


  3. Stunning photos as always. You really captured a golden light. 😀


  4. The golden river pictures are stunning–real masterpieces. I like the trail picture, too, just because I can imagine myself walking down it.


    • The weather people had been predicting bitter cold and real winter weather. They were totally wrong. It was mild and beautiful and still is today. The trail is, sadly, closed. But it would be easy enough to go around the blocks and see what lies beyond.


  5. I’m thrilled Garry told you to grab the camera. Your photos are so beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh my gosh! I am so glad Garry talked you into taking that walk. It was lovely! The golden hues were such a nice surprise! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a beautiful golden afternoon.


  8. All beautiful but 4 and 7 stand out for me. I’ve also been marvelling at the light and late autumn sights this month.


  9. Ah, I loved these golden photos captured brilliantly ! A nice day well spent. All set to grab my camera to click something worth sharing. 🙂 of course with Tarun, my other half. I am the better one !

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I love this post! Photos are stunningly beautiful…and truly golden as in perfecto:)


    • Sometimes, you get a surprise gift and this was one. I really had no expectations of anything, certainly not a golden river full of mallards. If I hadn’t forgotten to bring a spare battery for the camera, I’d have taken more. There were other birds on the river and my battery died while I was trying to zero in on them. Oops. It was on the charger at home … I’d forgotten to put it back in the camera bag. But I got a lot, anyhow. It has been a splendid autumn …. even better than our usual best. And despite all the alarming weather reports, it’s still mild outside.

      It won’t last, of course … but it’s a lovely reprieve when least expected.



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