19 replies

  1. I love this eclectic collection! Seeing familiar things from new angles is always refreshing! Thanks for inspiring! 🙂


  2. Nice shots Marilyn


  3. I’d go down the middle of this path!



  4. Perfect symmetry!


  5. perfect! I like symmetry most of the time-it throws me off when things are “off kilter” But sometimes it is just necessary to have things not so lined up- makes it too boring.


    • And it usually improves the dynamics of a picture. Everything centered can be extremely static. pretty, but stationary. That’s why we add angles and off-center subjects. To add motion and movement. Otherwise, it’s just a snapshot. Take a look at great pictures by other people. Look for the angles. Look for the way your eye gets drawn from one part of the image to another. It’s through looking at pictures taken by other people that I learned photography.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. These are terrific symmetry’s. I just like typing that word too. Something very symmetry to it. I really like your last two shots. 🙂



  1. WPC: Symmetry | decocraftsdigicrafts
  2. Symmetry: The Making Of | My Atheist Blog