22 replies

  1. Wonderful faces, I especially like the profiles of Garry, your son and granddaughter. Great images all.


  2. Lovely selection of photos.


  3. The gallery said it all. Eventful circle of life ! 🙂


  4. Boy it’s all coming back now. You take a bunch of pictures just to get one or two you really like.., and that’s usually by accident, but ya keeps on goin’…


    • I knew a rodeo photographer. He was an old guy, older than us. He took AMAZING pictures — just breathtaking. I asked him how he did it. He said “I open it up all the way and I keep shooting. I shoot 1000 or more frames and I will usually get a couple of dozen really good shots and a handful of spectacular ones.” I shoot a LOT. At least we don’t have to develop all that film!!


  5. Great photos Marilyn 😀


  6. I love your circle of life! Who did the collage at the top? I think you should use it on your homepage as well. It is delightful. Judy https://grieflessons.wordpress.com/2015/05/31/a-photo-a-week-the-circle-of-life/


    • Thank you 🙂 The thing at the top — is it a collage? it’s a drawing on top of a photograph, done with a shaky hand on the mouse — is mine. It was the first thing I ever tried and it came out better than I thought it would. I considered using it, but it’s the wrong shape. I need something vertical. I may try to do another one. I can draw, soft of, but a mouse isn’t the most precise tool for drawing.


      • I thought that was what you had done and yes, I’d consider it a collage since it is a combination of two media.


      • So you used a paint app to do it? Can’t you use it in addition to a header, or off to the side like you have your teepee image and your photo? I would enjoy seeing it again and again. And the world does revolve around me, doesn’t it?


        • I actually used Photoshop which isn’t really designed for this kind of application, but I think if you know how, you can get Photoshop to do pretty much anything and everything. I’m sure I could do it if I knew how. I need to mess around with it and see if I can control my hands well enough to do something I like.


  7. “The circle of life” I like that and I love the pictures you chose.


    • Thanks. It was a challenge (literally) and I wasn’t sure what to do with it, so I decided to do a montage. I like doing them anyway. They are fun and I get to use some of my favorite pictures again.


  8. Marilyn, what an amazing collection of images and memories. Thanks for joining the challenge!

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