A Photo a Week Challenge: Vibrant

Orange begonias … about as vibrant as flowers get!

The greenest leaves of summer trail over the wheels of the tractor


Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Nature, New England, Photo A Week Challenge, Trees

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28 replies

  1. So amazing! Beautiful colors and compositions. Thanks for joining the challenge!


  2. Essence of New England in these photos. So glad that things GREW this year.


  3. That tractor reminds me of the old John Deer on the south side the lilac bushes that held up one of the three posts that held up the triangular clothes line between the shelter belt and the house. One corner was by the outhouse straight down from the entry facing the barnyard, the other marked where the N to south garden went and the other, about the E W garden ending at said tractor and the other one between those posts at an angle – among other wild flowers, the one was at least one prairie rose partway in the middle. And to the SE was my grandmother’s house backing up to the far end of the North to south garden. In front of that shelter belt was a half row of gooseberries and a chokecherry bush .. further down some rhubarb plants. Yarrow also grew wild. as did other flowers. This was in NW North Dakota. I now have some yarrow in my garden here in Minnesota – but now they come in different shades of colors… though they all turn white as they mature.


    • But the final answer is — you can’t move the tractor. We couldn’t move ours without killing our Japanese maple and destroying half the rock wall that holds the garden in place. And probably tearing down the fence and the light pole.

      An old tractor is like an old shed. You may not be using it, but it’s a fixture. It’s part of the land.

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      • It has thus become part of the landscape. This one was the first my dad bought used in perhaps the late 20’s along with a couple of other things. I had Iron wheels with spokes and lugs, then – but after world War II it had acquired old balloon-like airplane tires which were surplus at the time. It would be started and moved occasionally to power the feed mill that was used on an old engine that had a water tank on it to cool with a very wide flat belt twisted in a figure eight through a rather small opening in the wooden granery/feed room.

        In the rather dry lands of NW ND, not much was ever run over by excess vegetation! LOL!


        • We can get a lot of rain in the summer, but have been in a period of drought for almost a decade. Then, suddenly, it has been rain and more rain. Cold all through June and nothing grew, then warm mid June and EVERYTHING grew like mad.

          The tractor is circa 1927 — a Fordson, which was a popular lower cost tractor than a Deere. We think it was used on the golf courses, which is why it had no tires. The engine is frozen. We tried to repair it, but it is beyond our help. My husband gave it to me as a 10th anniversary gift. Not your typical anniversary gift.

          We put it in the garden as a decoration 17 years ago and so much has grown around it that it is impossible to remove, so I expect it will rust in place as long as we own the property. After us? Who knows …

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  4. The orange Begonias and the Chrysanthemums, do you get the feeling that the season is coming to an end?


  5. such beautiful choices for Vibrant Marilyn

    Liked by 1 person

    • With all the rain, all the vegetation has been in some kind of bizarre hyper over-drive. Everything is growing at twice its normal rate. My garden, on which i did some serious work earlier this summer, looks like no human has ever touched it. I can’t even look at it without a deep-seated feeling of shame that my garden has completely gone to hell in its own little hand-basket. But the colors are good. At least that!


  6. Love the shot of the Chryssies! 🙂



  7. My goodness — the tractor is almost hidden in all those leaves!

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