Yesterday’s maple. Tomorrow, much more red.

Old maple tree (almost an oil painting) – Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

Turns out that big piece of water near the farm is the Ironstone Reservoir. Thank you, Bob, for discovering what’s in my back yard by looking at Google maps … in Australia. What a small world we are living in these days.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

If I were to own a farm, this is the perfect place to own it. Gently rolling land along a stream and a reservoir. Long, green lawns where the cows can graze and a little stream, so when it gets too warm, they can wade in the river. There’s something terribly funny about watching a small herd of dairy cows all up to their hocks in a stream, chewing contentedly on the wildflowers along the banks.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Yellow vines – Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

The trees are beginning to really change now. The past 24 hours has seen a big change. Our one (and only) maple tree is more than half red and I bet by tomorrow night, it will be entirely scarlet. Our woods is golden from  the deck as far back as I can see, except for the pines. Nice contrast.

Marilyn and cow Number 28 – Photo: Garry Armstrong

We still have roses blooming in the garden. Spider-wort too. But fall is finally here.

Categories: #animals, #foliage, #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley, farm, Garry Armstrong

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20 replies

  1. …a small world indeed!


  2. Autumn! Yaayyy! 😀

    You certainly do have some picturesque spots close by! Love the pics.



    • This place is REALLY close. It is around the block. Of course, they are big blocks, in this case a few acres of woods.


      • There seems to be an abundance of little lakes and brooks in reasonable proximity to Uxbridge! There’s not much like that close to me -but i’m content with my garden and flowers! 😉



  3. There’s more red showing now.


  4. The colors are starting to show here also. And they are starting to litter the lawn!


  5. Some of those lovely photos would make for very tough jigsaw puzzles!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Cow 28 has some nice bling…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Autumn is the best season for the camera as you have shown in your photos.


  8. A very good post and nice pictures. Thanks for sharing!
