Marilyn asked me to write a piece.  This as I was swapping comments with others on Facebook as we watched today’s Impeachment Hearings and the comments that followed. I internally blanched but said, “Yes, dear.” I quickly dashed out this first paragraph. Time out. Nature was calling.

(Insert commercial here)

Okay, I’m back. Nature’s call answered. Showered, shaved and CNN is on with the evening recap of today’s Impeachment hearing. Maybe I missed some important stuff while attending my own business. Throne room biz gets top priority here.

It seems there is hard evidence of the call that never was — or that PERFECT phoner without any quid pro quo.  Donzo’s disciples are in spin overdrive while Democrats are like Felix the cat who nabbed a feline whistleblower.

Do we take time out for the weekend? Maybe watch some college and pro football?  Or do we put the Impeachment on hold? Will the hearings keep us in a mental brain lock until they resume, presumably on Monday?

Rest assured,  the weekend talk shows, especially the Sunday Pol Staple Shows, will review and regurgitate everything we’ve seen and heard during the past few days.  Was it good for you? Didn’t Wolf Blitzer look like he was barely able to keep from grinning?

These are good days for Facebook, the social media giant dealing with well-earned criticism for its many breaches of privacy.

Facebook’s cyber party line is perfect for many folks who are sharing their reactions, opinions, and emotional takes on the impeachment hearings. The comments and responses to comments are clearly partisan.

I think it’s a healthy way to unload your exhilaration, anger, and frustration over the mulligan’s stew of interrogation and testimony. Yelling at the television doesn’t get the reactions we need.

I can’t be the only one shouting profanities at some of Donzo’s coat-holding Pols who are insulting and demeaning witnesses testifying about the existence of the phone call and the hinky business surrounding what he said he said.  Today, we heard first-hand testimony of Donzo’s call to his Ukraine liaisons. It was a call taken in a restaurant and clearly heard by a myriad of people. Probably including the Russians who are very good at snooping in Ukraine, not to mention right here in the good ole’ U.S.A.

How loud WAS he talking? Did they put the call on speaker? We wouldn’t want the waiters or busboys to miss anything. Tune in tomorrow for further updates, revelations, and the throbbing excitement of our democracy falling apart while the world watches with a mixture of dismay and glee.

Look across the river,  Lennie. See the rabbits, Lennie? I get all sentimental remembering the glory days of Watergate.

Speaking of the Tricky One, they’ve been constantly running an audio clip of Milhouse’s rant on the media, “…and, ya know,  there’s not a good one of them on all three of the damn Networks.”

Donzo can smile because he has more than three networks “harassing” him. He has more media dissidents than any President in U.S. history. Even more than George Washington, a president who could tell you something about political detractors. He didn’t take a third term in office because he could not tolerate more press attacks — and that was long before mass media.

Donzo has gone from being a star on “The Apprentice” to being a living legend in his own mind. He is the man waiting to be carved onto Mt. Rushmore and the man who claims he shot Liberty Valance. Now, finally, he’s the guy with the highest TV ratings in town. It’s the brightest spot on his resume.

Print that legend!

Categories: #American-history, Garry Armstrong, justice

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9 replies

  1. I am glued to it and transfixed/horrified


  2. Good question. I’m pretty sure that more of his cabinet will go to jail. A bunch of them already are in the clink. That’s also what happened with Nixon. ALL his cabinet wound up in jail before the hearings were over.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope they have enough cots to accomodate those wankers who “..don’t sleep so good anymore”.


  3. I’m watching or listening to recaps. Question: do the dems have a chance in winning against someone other than Trump?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fair query, Ruth. Given the massive audience watching the hearings, I wonder how many will be swayed by those who claim Donzo is being railroaded by Spiro Agnews’s old enemies “..those effete, elite, eastern snob liberals….who can’t hear the anger of the silent Americans”.

      I hope we’re not a nation of sheep.

      Someone other than Trump? Hmmnn we, need to be very careful there. Betcha there’ll be political hucksters claiming to be “The Anti-Trump”. Check them out with deep diligence. Vote your BRAIN and your HEART.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. To be fair, I merely suggested that maybe you might have something to say to the world. And you did, see? I hope I don’t get as addicted to these hearings as I was to Watergate. I actually used to listen to a little radio with an earpiece at work so I wouldn’t miss anything. it was the best show on TV until this one.

    Liked by 3 people

    • To be fair, it was MORE than suggestion. But that’s okay. I needed to say something about the Impeachment Proceedings. Rightly or wrongly, it’s entertainment — mainly because of the star — “Mr. Apprentice–Donzo The Great” – the reality TV star who found a bigger audience on the political comedy trail that led to the Oval Office. Who’s Sorry now?
      The heaings: It’s hard for me to digest — like lima beans or oat meal — the mean-spirited interrogation by Donzo’s coat holding Reps who are bent on demeaning the winesses and deflecting testimony that paints a vivid portrait of Boss Donzo. HE claims NOT to be watching but angrily rebuts hearing testimony like someone who’s watching EVERYTHING, including the commercials.. Maybe, he’s thinking of the BIGLY ratings.

      Whose watching the Saturday cartoons, college football and reruns of your favorite old TV shows?



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