When I got up this morning, it was snowing like crazy. That was because yesterday, I dared suggest that winter was ending. I should know better. I took pictures, then went back to bed. When I got up a few hours later, there was just a dusting of snow left on the grass. It had melted in a few hours.

I hardly ever see the squirrels these days unless I’m awake at five or six in the morning. In the grey of dawn, the deck is covered with red squirrels. They are wrapped around the feeders or waiting on the railing for currently feeding squirrels to detach and let the others eat. We may have even more squirrels than doves — and we have an awful lot of doves, though they mostly no longer try to eat at our feeders.

I’ve seen as many as a dozen squirrels gathered on our deck. It isn’t a big deck, either. We did have, in midday a couple of days ago one of the adorable tiny red ones in the small box feeder She was no bigger than a bird and had taken it over, almost nesting in the middle of the seeds.

She was so cute, all I could do was watch and say “awww.” I should have tried to take pictures, but I didn’t want to scare her. Those little red ones are always female currently nesting with young ones and they are always watching for potential trouble — mostly hawks.

Categories: #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, #Squirrel, Anecdote, snow, Winter

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15 replies

  1. what? You have RED squirrels? They have become so rare and are almost everywhere ‘extinct’. I haven’t seen red squirrels since when I was in my twenties, and that’s an awful long time ago. When I lived in England, I was terrorized with grey squirrels, and I still have to laugh when I think of my ‘squirrel proof birdfeeding stations’….. short of killing them with bare hands you had to give in and co-feed them with anything else flying and jumping ! Beautiful photos.


    • It is unusual, but we have very few gray squirrels and MANY of the little red ones. I’m not sure why they have taken over around here, but maybe it’s the availability of food. They are very cute! They are also tough little squirrels and not particularly shy or at least the boys aren’t shy. The girls are a bit more wary, probably because they seem to be permanently raising a litter.

      I wouldn’t like to try and kill a squirrel with my hands They have claws AND teeth and they fight! But I see your point. We were taking our feeders inside at night until I found a couple they can’t (easily) open.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Knowing only the grey ones, I can assure you that nobody would dare arm-wrestling with them. They are strong, determined and/or maybe vicious. I always thought because there are so many of them (in the UK at my time), they had to fight to survive against their brothers.


        • They do fight with each other. When you see a squirrel with a damaged limb or a torn off tail, that’s fighting between squirrels. The red ones are gregarious. The grays aren’t. It’s one of the primary difference other than color and size — the red ones are a lot smaller than the gray ones.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Awww. I can’t help it either! Such cuties and what wonderful captures. It does my heart so good to “see” you through your pictures and words. Here’s to Spring around the corner! I’m so glad you have these views out your window. 💚

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think it’s the wild things that keep me from going stir crazy out here. We don’t seem to have any living friends locally anymore, but the house is full. I often just stand and watch the birds. I don’t take as many pictures as I did because I have so many pictures of them, but I do love watching them.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. They are still threatening us with ‘a wall of snow’ next week. I bet we don’t…
