There are weeks when the accumulation of events seems to be telling you something. A few days ago, I sliced off a bit of finger while slicing food. My back hurts. My right shoulder and wrist are sore. To put a finishing touch on the week, I seared my right hand about an hour ago.

How you ask? We have a flat-top electric range and I had cooked something. The burner was off, but was still hot. I put down my plate (having forgotten these burners keep heat for a long time after use), so when I picked the plate up it was burning hot. I sizzled three fingers on my left hand. Which is the same one I nicked. But it’s my right wrist and shoulder that are sore, so it’s both sides.

Maybe I should let the blogging go for a couple of days. Like pick it up again on Tuesday. I think the Universe is telling me to take a break. Time to watch the birds and breathe the autumn air.

Categories: #News, Anecdote, UPDATE!

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21 replies

  1. Well, they say bad things happen in threes, so maybe you’ve reached your quota and it will be better going forward.


  2. It’s been one of those weeks here too and I will start to write about it soon. Sometimes the stars, or moon and sun, do not align. I think we will be getting what Rowan and Martin used to call the Fickle Finger of Fate Award.


  3. Yes it does sound like you need a rest


  4. Oh, I’m so sorry. Take care and look after yourself. Hugs


  5. I would say that a break is in order, before anything else happens…


  6. yes, take a break and let yourself recover – sorry that happened

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cutting my finger used to be a regular event, but I’ve been careful — and I’ve never burned myself like that. I think I’ve got too much going on. It really IS time to take a break — but it won’t be until Tuesday. Busy busy busy till then.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sorry about your finger. And what a wonderful little bird

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  8. So sad Marilyn !! Take rest 🤝

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