Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness — Twice!


I have  been many things to many people over the years, but this is the first and second time I’ve been awesome much less epically awesome. Yet last week, I got not one, but two Epically Awesome Awards of Epic Awesomeness!

First, Natasha over at Films and Things honored me and before I had a chance to catch my breath, Mike at Mikes Film Talk gifted me with this amazing award again. I’m trying very hard to not have an epic and possibly fatal attack of ego bloat.

Natasha has a wonderful, creative blog. A young woman who thinks for herself and has more enthusiasm in one post than I can dig up in a month. If you like movies and even if you aren’t all that into film but just enjoy good writing and unique idea, take a look at her site.

Now about Mike. I’ve given him so many awards and he has given so many to me, too that we form a little mutual admiration society. I know his URL without looking it up. I think I know it better than I know my own. Despite the site’s title, it’s about life, the universe and everything … movies too. It’s a great writer, whether he’s being witty or serious. Smart, hyper-literate, his site has something for everyone from healthy recipes to fiction.

Please visit their sites. You will not regret it, I promise you.

Almost all awards in the blogging universe come with rules. Not so onerous, but still requiring a little effort, some thought, perhaps a bit of planning. Not an entirely bad thing, especially for someone like me who has a lot of trouble with the whole “following rules” thing. When I was a kid, I was a little bit rebellious. As a senior citizen, I don’t take crap from anyone. It’s an old person thing. You don’t get a lot of bennies in the mis-named golden years, but one of them is doing it your own way. So every once in a while it’s not a bad thing for me to recognize the legitimacy of a few rules and agree to follow them. If I can do it, so can you.

Awards are supposed to be fun, not punishment … and regardless of every other consideration, it means one or more of your peers thinks enough of you to honor you. It also helps to build bonds between us even though we may live oceans apart. In the end, it’s not just about what you write or the pictures you post. It’s also about spreading a certain kind of camaraderie. We aren’t in competition. We are in this world together and if we work together, maybe we can make it a better one. We aren’t going to right all the wrongs, but maybe we can make life more interesting, pleasant and fun. And we can be nice to each other. That’s epically awesome all by itself.

Now, about those rules:

ONLY two. Only two? All that for just two rules? All that fuss.

Oh shut up. I need to occasionally climb on my soapbox and wax eloquent. Or something like that.

  • Reveal 10 epic and/or awesome facts about yourself. Note: I’m not sure how much epic and awesome stuff is left to tell that’s suitable for a G-rated blog.
  • Give it to 10 bloggers you think are awesome and/or epic – or both. 

10 Possibly Awesome Factoids about Moi …


  1. I graduated high school at 16. 
  2. I got married at 18.
  3. I got my BA at 19.
  4. I became a mommy at 22.
  5. I didn’t get serious about a career until I was 27, at which point, to absolutely no one’s surprise, I started writing for a living.
  6. My current husband was my first husband’s best friend.
  7. My husband is also my son’s godfather and that’s why my son’s middle name is Garry.
  8. Don’t even try to figure out what it means. Trust me, you won’t.
  9. I had a spinal fusion and laminectomy at 19 and almost died, the first of 2 near death experiences with visions and everything.
  10. Had a chat with God. I didn’t die. 

And now for my 10 Epic and Awesome nominees!

Tyson Carter over at Head in a Vice who manages to be the Johnny Carson of bloggers, turning a website into a forum and a collaborative effort across oceans and mediums.

Isaacs Picture Conclusion who describes his site as honest reviews from an honest guy (who doesn’t take things too seriously), which pretty much says it. It’s a pleasure reading his writeups.

JCAlberta at My Favorite Westerns. He does beautiful graphics and nostalgic posts about MY favorite westerns.

Rich Paschall whose Sunday Night Blog is a weekly dose of erudition and honesty. Beautiful writing and frequently reblogged by me!

Christine M. Grote – Random Thoughts from Midlife. Unique, humorous and smart observations on the world and life.

My Beautiful Things – Finding the Beautiful in the Everyday. And she does. She finds beauty in all the things that surround all of us in our daily life and shows us how beautiful they are.

Vastly Curious posts one extraordinary image every day, pictures that aren’t just things. They are moods and mysteries.

Hot Rod Cowgirl doesn’t post every day but every post is beautiful, memorable, full of the joy of her life and the land she loves.

Rarasaur is funny, sad, poignant, hilarious, weird, outrageous and absolutely unique. Try her. You’ll like her.

Rumpy Dog – I’m cute. I’m funny. And I’m making a difference for animals. And she is. Every day. She makes me laugh, makes me cry, makes me glad to cuddle up with my furry kids. She does make a difference.

There are others to whom I would happily give this award but either they are dealing with LIFE in capital letters and there will be other awards to confer when life is less crazy. And other friends recently gifted or who do not like awards

So go check these bloggers out and the folks who nominated me as well, they’re all EPIC AND AWESOME! And now, so am I!

P.S. You might also want to notify your fellow bloggers that you’ve nominated them. I almost forgot that part 😉


Categories: #Blogging

20 replies

    I now owe you 3 whiskys and a sarsaparilla.
    We’ll use the good stuff.


    • I’ll just take the sarsaparilla, pal 🙂


    • 10 epic and/or awesome facts about myself ???
      Ah shucks … I can only think of none.
      I’ll have a couple of jiggers and make some stuff up.

      1. i didn’t graduate from high school. True.
      i don’t figure I wuz stoopid. just disinterested.
      2. My Dad, myself and my 3 older brothers were all in the Calgary Highlanders.
      My Dad fought in the war. The rest of us just fought each other.
      3. I have been ‘out of the body’ on several occasions.
      Mostly on purpose.
      4. I held a broad jump record that lasted 14 years.
      5. As a 15-year-old grocery clerk I once gave a customer (who said he was looking
      for “butterfly nuts”), a box of mothballs. (Hes’ still laughing)
      6. I don’t own any guns.
      Or a horse.
      7. I was once saved from getting hit by a car by an invisible hand that pushed me back
      onto the curb. I believe in spiritual guardians.
      8. i was never sure I was on the right planet. Is this Naboo?
      9. I quit drinking, smoking, and drugs.
      God I’m bored. (Just kidding … about being bored)
      10. I’ve had seven partners.
      This last one – Rose – is a keeper.

      is this where I’m ‘spozed to post this thing?

      OK, i’m claiming my prize now.
      Gotta give to ten other folks …


      • Actually, you’re supposed to write a post like the rest of us citizens. But I don’t mind. It is fine with me 🙂 But it’s too well written to hide it in comments. Just my opinion.


  2. Thank you so much for passing this award my way, but also for what probably is my favorite description of me ever. 😀 You are epically awesome indeed!


    • That’s the most fun I have blogging, saying stuff I actually mean whilst making someone else feel good. In a faux world, the opportunity to be sincere is a rare privilege.


  3. Darn email thingy sent before I was done…..AND Congratulations for the awards you have been given as you are deserving and bravo:)


    • You really do deserve it. You don’t post every day but every time you post, you post something worthwhile, worth reading. I wish were weren’t separated by a continent.

      You have a lot of responsibility. I know because I’m the “in-charge” person on this end, but our livestock consists of 4 dogs, and we don’t have to convince them to earn a living (fortunately!). Hah. Now that’s a pretty funny thought. Yes, you are my far away friend. And you deserve recognition. I’m glad to offer you a little bit.

      On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 10:37 AM, SERENDIPITY


  4. Thank you thank you so much my friend and can I call you mu buddy too as now I always look for your new blog entries to see what you are writing about:) Often you inspire me to get going on writing myself as I love to write….I just need more time in my days….like not have to be so responsible with running our business office….ha! I do like the green stuff though so I better keep at it…..but accounting has never been my bag….nope….writing has always been my heart and photography is now my new love as well….and of course it goes without saying WB and horses….oh and Minnie my kitty too:) Truly I sincerely appreciate your friendship and support:) You write incredible words and I love hearing about your life and thoughts:) I will work on this award today! Thank you awesome lady who happens to be my friend and buddy on this journey of life we are on!


  5. Clearly you deserve the award. And you have my utmost gratitude for passing it on to me.

    That being said, I am still debating how to respond after reading your post, ahem, as I fall into the “You don’t get a lot of bennies in the mis-named golden years, but one of them is doing it your own way” camp.

    I’ll see what I can rally myself to do.


  6. I’m running out of things to say other than thank you. Always too kind in sending awards and praise my way. I wish I could beat you to them sometimes and send something to you and Garry. 🙂


    • That’s how I felt about Mike. He nipped in and stole half my candidates! But undaunted, I went for it anyhow 🙂 Besides, you actually deserve it. You have done more than just review movies. You’ve gotten people together and working on projects. THAT is not easy, not easy at all.


  7. I told you…you ARE awesome and a wonderful friend! Life is beginning to return with a teensy bit of normalcy! Jim is to be released from rehab this Friday! Next step is to be decided Monday.


    • Thanks YOU hang on in there and breathe! So far, so good. I didn’t think you needed an award right now. If I get my act together, I will send you something a bit more tangible



  1. ♥♥♥♥♥ | rarasaur
  2. Award Recipient: Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness | My Favorite Westerns