Daily Prompt: Shake it Up

by Krista on February 24, 2014
You’re 12 years old. It’s your birthday. Write for ten minutes on that memory. GO.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us RECKLESS.

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And this is as reckless as we ever got. Reckless enough!

And this is as reckless as we ever got. Reckless enough!

Sorry. No pictures of youthful birthday parties. Never had one. I don’t even remember either of my siblings having a birthday party except for my sister when she was … like five maybe? Otherwise, there wasn’t much celebrating in my house. Later, when my life was my own, we had some good times.

And around we go again. I rode the beast with my granddaughter 7 times that day, twice in the morning and five more times in the afternoon. I think she was ready to keep going forever and maybe, she had the right idea.

And around we go again. I rode the beast with my granddaughter 7 times that day, twice in the morning and five more times in the afternoon. I think she was ready to keep going forever and maybe, she had the right idea.

Garry threw me a surprise party on my 60th birthday … and we went to New Orleans for my 50th. I took him to Cooperstown for his 50th. Childhood was a long time ago and stuff that happened to me as a grownup somehow seems more relevant at this age and stage. Twelve, as I vaguely recall, was not one of my vintage years. Awkward, a mouth full of braces, short, half woman, mostly kid, frizzy hair and a general look of dazed confusion at a world that didn’t seem to have anything to do with me.

It got better. Then worse. Then better again. That’s life. Much like the roller coasters I dearly love, life has its ups and downs. The downs are terrifying, the ups give you a chance to catch your breath before you plunge down the next drop. When you pull into the station, laughing and gasping, what do you say? I say: “Let’s do it again!”

This was one of my "am I going to live to see another birthday" years. I almost didn't.

My 60th birthday. This was one of the “am I going to live to see another birthday” years. I almost didn’t.

Other entries:

  1. Brent’s Ten Dollar Idea And The Daily Prompt | The Jittery Goat
  2. Daily Prompt: Shake It Up | Incidents of a Dysfunctional Spraffer
  3. Daily Prompt: Shake it Up | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  4. Prayer for Faith | Daily Prompt: Shake it Up | likereadingontrains
  5. Happy Birthday to Me | Knowledge Addiction
  6. Daily Prompt: Ten Minutes of Nothing | Under the Monkey Tree
  7. Twelve | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  8. Twelve: Daily Prompt | alienorajt
  9. Daily Prompt – Reckless – Broken |
  10. My Day. | Crossroads
  11. [M.M.X.I.V. 55] Snowball fight (Fiction) | Never A Worry
  12. Daily Prompt: Shake it Up | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  13. DP Daily Prompt: Shake it Up | Sabethville
  14. Birthdays | Sinister Pacifism
  15. Twelfth birthday | Sue’s Trifles
  16. Birthday cake | dandelionsinwind

Categories: Events, Family, Humor, Life

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34 replies

  1. Such a happy and cute photo of you.


    i sometimes think that if i let them slip by i won’t age as much.
    but somebody always reminds me.
    have a good one.
