Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Catching People Unaware

I couldn’t do the Daily Prompt today. Just couldn’t find it in me to maunder on about something in the past I set to rights or should have. About the only thing I could think of was procrastinating about cleaning my bathroom and I thought that was as boring as any subject could be. This is the my more upbeat choice. I think it’s a big improvement.

garry and tom walpole TV

In this set of pictures, you will find much joie-de-vivre. Not a single moment of dreary angst to be seen. As a rule, I don’t take a lot of people pictures, except for casual portraits and those are anything but candid. But there are occasions. Sometimes, I find myself at a party, in a group. The urge to shoot becomes irresistible. These are examples of when I failed to resist and glad of it.

Categories: #gallery, Cee's Photo Challenge

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23 replies

  1. Lovely set of photos Marilyn, with some very happy moments recorded. 🙂


  2. These are great, and I especially like the expression on Garry’s face in the one where he is sitting with other people getting an award I assume.


  3. Nice and pleasant and thought provoking photos. A great variety.


  4. Great family photos and of course of Garry. My family photos are horrible and very blurry. Best left in the shoe box.


  5. I only look decent when I don’t know that a picture is taken, when one is staged I look like a fool.


  6. Lovely vignettes, Marilyn.


    • The most important part of candid photography is being fast! You can’t do a lot of thinking. You have to shoot and hope it works out or you miss the moment. I usually miss the moment. But every once in a while, I get it right!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. These are marvelous candid’s Marilyn 🙂 I knew you would have some great ones.


    • You know, that’s kind of funny. Because when it came up, I could only think of one. But when I started going through the archives, I realized I had a lot more than I remembered. That’s one of the best parts of this challenge, that I dig around and find pictures I don’t know I’ve got. Thanks Cee. You really have improved by life by knowing you.


  8. They are the best photos, the natural photo capturing a moment in time. Today’s daily prompt was a new one for me, never seen it before so I did it. I can see who your favourite subject is and some good shots of him.


    • I’m not sure he’s my favorite subject, but he’s the one person I know who enjoys being photographed. And will cooperate when I want to take his picture. He takes a lot of pictures of me taking pictures of him taking pictures of me. That’s the funny part of going out taking pictures together 🙂


      • Just checking in. Great people pictures.., for a non “people-picture-person”. Say that 3 times real fast? I liked the one with Garry and the furry guys. Somewhere in my archives there is a similar one of me and my guys. I should send it to you so you ca include it in your Rouges Gallery.


        • I miss most of my photo ops, but I make up for it by taking a LOT of pictures. I figure at least one of them will come out. Sometimes, none of them come out. But usually, i get one. Got your picture in email. Got it before I read this, so I already answered it. We miss our furry kids. I think we miss them forever.



  1. Cee’s Fun Fotos: Catching people unaware | decocraftsdigicrafts