CMMC: May Denim Color

Often, when I reflect on what positive thing my boomer generation did, I always come up with the same answer.

Categories: #CMMC, #gallery, #GarryArmstrong, #Photography, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge

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8 replies

  1. This is such a nice collection of denim 😀


    • Thank you! I remember what “old people” wore when I was a kid. It was as if they all went to a special “old person mall.” Today, EVERYONE from age 1 to 100 wears blue jeans. Denim. Aren’t we all glad we don’t have to go the the Old Person Mall?

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am not a jeans person. I’ve only had one pair of jeans in my entire life. They were Gloria Vanderbilt’s and I had to have them sliced open when I broke my foot in the early 80s. I have alway worn loose clothes even skinny. But then I’m super flexible and don’t like my clothes binding me in any way.


        • All my clothing is loose. I hate tight clothing, but we didn’t have all this great stretchy stuff when I was young. I really had to get new clothing. It wasn’t just loose. It was falling off.

          Everything I wear is either loose or stretchy or both. Lots of floaty tunics. I’ve gotten too old to wear flowy dresses in the summer. I did until recently. Now, it’s stretchy jeans, a loose tunic — and a camera somewhere 😎

          Liked by 1 person

  2. You are right, Marilyn. An denim is great!


    • Old people used to wear clothing that was like a target screaming OLD PERSON HERE. Normal people started buying pink pants and matching shirts — the same people who used to wear regular human clothing. Today we ALL wear blue jeans. Yay denim.


  3. denim is one of the best inventions of all time, and one of the only ones that all ages and stages wear

    Liked by 1 person

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