The Changing Seasons, September 2020 – A Hard Month for One and All

It has been a difficult year. Possibly the worst year of my life and our collective lives together. And yet, despite this, we had a brief but beautiful Autumn. Early. About two weeks early, probably because of the long summertime drought. The drought ended a few days ago and it has been raining since then. Not pouring, though it will take a while to make up the 10 inch gap in water we suffered in August and September.

I took a lot of pictures, as did Garry. Some I have shown before, others are new, but all are from this month.

About the Changing Seasons

From Su Leslie:

When I took over hosting The Changing Seasons from Max at Cardinal Guzman, I carried on using the format that Max had developed. Over the years though, I think that we’ve all evolved different ways of approaching the challenge and for some, the original guidelines may seem prescriptive or even off-putting. My own view is that The Changing Seasons is an opportunity to reflect on the month that has passed, and to share those reflections in whatever way feels appropriate. For some bloggers, it’s a framework to record and reflect on particular interests and projects — like a garden. For others, every month is different, and so there is no set way of approaching it. I think we do need guidelines, especially for those who are new to the project. But do those we have still work? I’m interested in your views.

In the meantime, here is Max’s original statement.

The Changing Seasons is a monthly challenge where bloggers around the world share what’s been happening in their month. If you would like to join in, here are some guidelines:

The Changing Seasons Version One (photographic):

Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery that you feel represent your month. Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots. Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them.

The Changing Seasons Version Two (you choose the format):

Each month, post a photo, recipe, painting, drawing, video, whatever that you feel says something about your month. Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material! Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so others can find them. One thing that won’t change though. Include a ping-back to this post, and I’ll update it with links to all of yours.

For those of us who have participating in this challenge for years … since the first years when Cardinal Guzman ran the challenge, I think we have our own style and know how to make it work. I could never use a single picture. I’m too indecisive. Given the rapidly changing climate we are experiencing, I think has become an important challenge. 

Like Su Leslie, this has been a debilitating month. It has been a debilitating year, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this challenge. I want to see the how the world is going on, that the world is going on. Please don’t forget to put in a link to Su Leslie so she can collect our entries. The world has gone a bit mad and we are all a bit mad collectively and individually. May we continue to have world to exhibit!

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Autumn, climate change, leafing

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11 replies

  1. This is a lovely gallery to capture your month. Thank you for sharing.


    • Thank you. This is my favorite challenge. Also, it helps remind me that I need some pictures by the end of the month! Keeps me from getting any more lazy than I already am 🙂


  2. Great pictures. I participate in this challenge, have for years but only link back to my own blog any more. I didn’t even realize you were running it. How long have you been doing that?


  3. Autumn in your part of the world looks so magical to me; as do the birds and squirrels.

    I hope you get enough rain to properly end the drought. We haven’t had anywhere near enough, and summer feels very close.

    Thanks for being part of this Changing Seasons project. I really look forward every month to these glimpses of others’ worlds — for better or worse.

    Kia Kaha.


    • We’ve gotten rain a couple of times in the past week. Not enough. A ten inch gap in rain for the season is a big gap, so we need it to keep raining and we need real snow in the winter. Last year, we didn’t have snow, so we didn’t get the spring snow-melt. Worrying about the weather is pointless, but these climate changes are really scary.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I understand that. The dams that supply most of Auckland’s water are at about 67% capacity. Normally at this time of year they’d be around 90% full. If this coming summer is anything like as dry as last year, we are looking at really major water restrictions.
        I know it’s pointless too; but it doesn’t stop me worrying.



  1. The Changing Seasons, September 2020 | Zimmerbitch