FOTD – December 3 –Jade tree with buds

I’ve grown a lot of Jade trees over the years, but this is the first time I have had one send up buds. I know they flower because Judy has sent pictures of her (outdoor) Jade trees flowering. I hope it really does bloom. That would be a first ever growing experience.

The first buds ever on one of my jade trees

Can you see the buds?

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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8 replies

  1. Beautiful Marilyn 😀


  2. I love the leaf structure that you’ve accented in your photos.


    • They are the most architectural of my plants. Slow growing. Heavy on top, hardly any roots at all. Cactus without thorns. The biggest problem I have with them is that they get too heavy for their pot, but they don’t have a big enough root system to transplant — and talk about FRAGILE. They fall about if you THINK about moving them. But yes, they have wonderful shapes and also make a very interesting silhouette.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. They do flower but so rarely, most people don’t think they do.
    BTW, I love the effect you are using on your images!


    • I sort of invented that one. I use it (mostly) for architecture a lot where the shape is more important than the details. There was nothing wrong with the original shot, mind you. It was sharp and the color was decent, but it was sort of boring. So I flipped it through a bunch of filters. This one worked 😀 I really LOVE filters.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s lovely, so delicate and joyous. I hope it blooms for you.

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