FOTD – August 25 – Wildflowers by the river

I thought somehow the news would be better this year. I suppose it is better, but it doesn’t feel better enough! Today’s news featured an upcoming heat wave, bringing us close to second of the hottest ever summer records. Not only that, but Henri left behind a lot of humidity and it has been raining — a LOT — so everything is wet. Oh, we’re already number three is the “most rain in July” ratings and nudging the top for August.

Enjoying the flowers

But that was not enough. We’ve been talking about it but today they officially announced “this is a really terrible year for mosquitoes.” You mean the cloud of mosquitoes that enfolds us when we go out — it’s like that everywhere in the valley?

Yes, we are a very wet place. It’s just that we were having a long drought, but wetlands are the dominant type of “ground” in the valley. All of our woods are protected. You can’t drain or build on wetlands. Period. In a year like this with such heavy, relentless rains, the wetlands are a lot wetter than they are usually. Plenty of room to breed an insane number of mosquitoes. It’s awful!

The official forecast is for very hot, humid weather with a massive wave of hungry mosquitoes.

Doesn’t that sound great?

Boat launch ramp to the river
Pink water flowers
Red and pink water flowers
Marilyn by the river
More flowers along the Blackstone

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #FOTD, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, River, Summer

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5 replies

  1. How can it be August? Didn’t we just have Spring?


  2. Too soon will come the snows. I can feel their breathe already. So we are enjoying as we can. The horrific heatwave had temporarily abated so we wonder what lies ahead to the era of ‘Global Warming’?
    Yet you will also soon have your wonderful Fall with all it’s incredible colors. Thanks for the peaceful photos.


    • WE have the heat wave for about a week. This has been a really unpleasant summer. It was either raining, REALLY hot, or really hot AND raining. Life is voracious mosquitoes, humidity, and heat. Swell.

      Going out for someone who has trouble breathing isn’t a great idea, so I have to wait for the temperatures to drop down to more or less normal — AND the humidity.

      And the mosquitoes.


      • We finally relented and bought an air conditioner. Then guess what? The heat wave stopped. Skeeters? Not too bad around here this year.
