This is November 2022

November wasn’t a big picture-taking month for me, either. I think I blew my wad on October’s 10 days of blazing color. As October ended, the leaves fell from the trees and while we have had some nice days since, nothing will compare to the incredibly beauty of last month.

November is our “foodie” month. The point of Thanksgiving is to show gratitude for the good things that have happened during the year, but for many of us there haven’t been a lot of good things worth discussing. Nonetheless, not merely did we eat well, but our best foods were gifts which, I suppose made us grateful to the food for being food!

The one amazing beauty spot of the month were my Christmas cactus flowers. After a couple of years of waiting for them to come back to left after I insulted them by repotting both — something which insulted or not, they really needed.

I think I spent more than half the month fighting with customer service people. I got my lens today — finally. I haven’t checked it out yet because I made maki for dinner and I’m tired. But it makes a great closer for a wonderful month of dining in while dining extremely well.

About The Changing Seasons

The Changing Seasons is a monthly project where bloggers around the world share their thoughts and feelings about the month just gone. We all approach this slightly differently, though generally with an emphasis on the photos we’ve taken during the month.

For many of us, looking back over these photos provides the structure and narrative of our post, so each month is different. Some focus on documenting the changes in a particular project — such as a garden, an art or craft project, or a photographic diary of a familiar landscape.

But in the end, it is your changing season, and you should approach it however works for you. There are no fixed rules around post length or photo number — just a request that you respect your readers’ time and engagement.

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Tag your photos with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them.

Categories: #ChangingSeasons, #Food, #gallery, #MonthlyPhotoChallenge, #Photography, Anecdote, Christmas cactus, Holidays

7 replies

  1. Hi Marilyn, I’m finally beginning to emerge from the chaos of the move, and am looking forward to doing some more blogging at last. Your crop of November pictures all capture the essence of the season, and the Christmas cacti look stunning and suitably festive. Thanks for the giggle too with the tale of repotting them both – the mind boggles as to how they were ‘insulted’ but I love that! 😀

    Glad you won the fight and got your lens at last. Hope you have great fun with it and I look forward to the results. 🙂


    • There are plants that just don’t like being handled and that kind of cactus is one of them. Orchids are another. They take it personally, if a plant can be said to take anything personally.

      I’m very glad your move went well. I hope you are less tired than I am because for the amount of exhaustion I feel, I should have done something huge. I didn’t, but I’m still dead on my feet.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Marilyn, we’re still trying to sort out varius things with the house and put up all the pictures etc whilst at least thinking about Christas, so it’s still a bit manic but it’s a lovely place to be manic in! Sorry to hear you’re so shattered. Will you get a chance to take it easy over the festive holiday?

        And I love that – the plants ‘take it personally’. Shame we can’t talk to them really, then we could explain that we’re only trying to help. 🙂


  2. Wonderful Zygote flowers Marilyn. Thanks for joining in the Changing Seasons 😀😀



  1. The Changing Seasons, November 2022 – Touring My Backyard
  2. unexpected – Touring My Backyard