The Duke loves that front window. All our dogs loved it. As long as we have lived here, all of them have propped themselves up so they could watch the world go by — and see if there was anything worth barking at. For the Duke, it’s one of two things: the neighbor’s dog is outside OR there’s a delivery and a truck in our driveway.

All taken with the new Minolta and using a fill flash, something I never use. But when I’m testing, I test. I was surprised at how well the fill flash worked. It didn’t burn the main image as so many supposedly fill flashes do. All three of these were clean enough to not need anything except some minimal cropping and of course, size reduction. I should mention that final images from these originals are about 50% bigger than camera compressed jpeg images.

A distant robin on a branch. Taken from very far away through a window and screens. I’m pretty sure — at this distance for something so small — it’s impossible to get a clear photo without a tripod.

I would still prefer more camera compression and less super-sizing.This is exactly how cell phones work. I don’t like it. In the end, cell phone images are 72 ppi images. Even at their largest, there’s a limited amount you can do with them. Compression is your job, not the camera’s. I think the big difference here is the size of the image. These images are much bigger than even the biggest cell phone image. And the lens is sharper and more versatile. The results are better and less noisy.

Our front woods from afar. The trees are near the front of our property so it would be about 300 feet from here to there. This one came out pretty sharp, but all the others were blurry. At that distance, you need sticks.

Since the camera can also shoot RAW and RAW+JPG, I’ll see how that works even though I usually don’t use RAW. RAW files are always huge. Even huger than the usual huge. In this camera where each image is gigantic regardless of format, it will be interesting to see how big they are when shot in RAW.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Cameras, dogs

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8 replies

  1. These pictures look great. I use a mixture of my camera and lens and my iphone camera when I go on safari. My iphone is quick and easy to use. Sometimes if I am not ready with my camera, I will miss the picture if I linger.


  2. With my Minolta, I shot RAW too. Fantastic possibilities but they take a gigantic amount of ‚space‘ – brilliant but it nearly bothered me because they were SO ultra-detailed and to me, it changed the perception of what I (bold!) ‚wanted‘ to see. I wasn‘t a ppl photographer, and for nature studies it‘s awesome, but considering what little my eyes see, I preferred ‚my‘ limited view.

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