It was warm today. Warm and sunny. Outside barefoot in a t-shirt, trying to chase the cowbirds off the deck, I had to take that moment and just breathe. We are still waiting for the flowers and for leaves on trees. Should that occur — I’m counting on it — if the weather pauses its daily deluges and no longer drops below freezing at night, I can make my official declaration.

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #gallery, #GarryArmstrong, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, landscape, New England

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8 replies

  1. It’s always a joy to see your pretty birds, whatever the season 🙂 We’re a long way from ‘barefoot and t-shirt’ weather here but at least the sun was out for most of today so I have hope!


    • We get nice weather in between freezing nights and pouring rain. The days have been a cool, but nights have been below freezing. It destroyed the rhododendrons — blasted the buds to black.

      We’ve had a serious invasion of parasitic brown-headed cowbirds. They are like your Cuckoos. Parasitic and destructive. I’ve had to take down all the bigger feeders to try to get the cowbirds to move on. I also had to buy smaller feeders on which the cowbirds can’t perch, but is okay for smaller birds.

      I hope that will work. Otherwise, the only thing left is to eliminate the feeders entirely until the cowbirds go somewhere else. The problem is the cowbirds have spread all over the valley, so it’s not just our problem.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A superb collection of seasonal shots, Marilyn, enough to cheer anyone’s day. Wishing you all the joys of spring! (Says I… shivering in my oversized fleece in North Wales!) 😀


    • We’ve had a lot of much colder than normal weather. Now we have moved on to warmer days and freezing night. The plants try to grow, the temperature drops and there got the buds. It has been colder than usual here, too. I bet as soon as we get past freezing nights, we’ll move directly to steamy days with weather that feels like a steam room — which really is normal summer weather. Most people don’t know how weird our weather can be. The only season we can count on is fall.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Soon it will be there too


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