Wet Leaves — Posters

Wet leaves on glass tablel

Rain and a glass table. Add a few autumn leaves. Mix thoroughly using Photoshop. And you have …

Rain and leaves

Categories: #Photography, Arts, Nature, Weather

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9 replies

  1. Really like it!!! Impressed (as always) by what you do to make the ordinary look very special!


    • It’s really laziness. I want pictures, but I don’t feel like tramping all over town, so I look to see what I can do without leaving home. Surprisingly, I’ve found a lot of things. Who’d have guessed?

      On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 11:47 AM, SERENDIPITY


  2. Wonderful- I want photoshop so much!


    • If you are a student … or have a student in the household it becomes almost affordable. Otherwise, it is pretty expensive. Some people have found that Elements does the job for them and for many years until I got Photoshop, I used Corel and got good results. Also … the leaves really looked like this. I didn’t do much except push the brightness and contrast up. You could do that with any graphics program. Photoshop is great but I know a lot of fine photographers who don’t have it and produce beautiful work. Don’t get too hung up on the tools. It is the photographer who makes the picture!!


  3. Wow.
