Usually I’d wait til later in the day to write an update post since Marilyn’s return home Monday from complex heart valve surgery. But some funny and encouraging things have happened this morning. I figured I’d best write as coffee is slowly clearing the cobwebs in my mind.

Where to begin? Latest news at the top, right? Okay, Marilyn is waiting for the visiting nurse to arrive for today’s session. Visit number two. We’re properly attired, Marilyn in a clean nightgown and me in my “Dogfather” lounge pants and top.

Diane, Marilyn’s nurse has just arrived. Her first visit. We’ve greeted each other. I continue writing as Diane checks and examines Marilyn

Marilyn was able to put on her nightgown WITHOUT assistance, using her arms and with minimal pain. FIRST time since she came home. Give the lady a hug, kiss and round of applause after Diane leaves.

My Claude Rains moment came a little earlier this morning. I was relaxing on the love seat, sipping coffee and waiting for my brains to show some life. Nan, our Norwich Terrier, was lying at my feet watching Marilyn. Nan is Marilyn’s dog. Her faithful companion. She follows Marilyn wherever she goes. I’m normally ignored. I used to be a household name for more than 31 years as a Boston TV news reporter. I used to be somebody.

Well, Marilyn had to answer nature’s call. She got up by herself from the love seat. Another first this week. No, don’t stop the presses. Not yet. Marilyn walked slowly away and into the bathroom. Normally, Nan would be right behind her. Marilyn’s faithful companion usually follows her Mom right into the bathroom, pushing open the door and moving right up to where business is being conducted. Frequently, Nan grunts like a pig, signaling the other dogs Mom is in the bathroom. They scamper down the hallway and gaze from the bathroom door. Nan sends out sideline reports about Marilyn’s efforts. Wide, wide world of sports!

Not today. Nan didn’t budge as Marilyn left the living room. She stayed at my feet, grunting with satisfaction. Okay, now the “Louie Renault” moment. Marilyn called from the bathroom but Nan never moved. I was shocked! Absolutely shocked!

Diane’s just wrapped up her visit with Marilyn. They’re laughing. Marilyn’s blood pressure and heart rate look pretty okay. Here’s hoping the rest of this Friday is good.

Categories: #Health, Anecdote, Garry Armstrong, Humor, Medical, Pets, UPDATE!

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13 replies

  1. Whew! dogs.., Gotta love em, but they work in mysterious ways…, is there an echo in here? What’s that? Oh yeah “dog” spelled backwards is —


  2. Fantastic. Sounds like a great day for both of you!


  3. I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!


  4. Hi Garry,
    I’m glad to hear that Marilyn is home. Hope the weather is nicer so she can recuperate and regain her strength.


  5. You crack me up Garry, I have tears in my eyes! DJ, my sheltie, is my dog. He follows me everywhere. I won’t let him in the bathroom but he whines by the door. Try to explain to dog, that I only do solos in the bathroom. LOL! My husband, Bill calls himself the nanny. DJ will go to him if he wants something, like dinner or another walk.

    Please tell Marilyn to keep up the good work!


  6. See Garry, you really are a somebody now. Nan has finally made it known. LOLOL. Keep up the good work, Marilyn.


  7. Sounds like Marilyn is recovering very nicely. That is good news!
    Thanks for the updates, it would have been awful if everything had just gone quiet for the whole time.


  8. Thanks for providing these updates, Garry. I’m glad to see Marilyn is doing well under the circumstances, and I continue to wish for a speedy recovery for her!


  9. Sounds like Marilyn is doing quite well. Nan…who knows. Thanks for the update.


  10. Wow! What a very heartening and encouraging post, Garry. So pleased to hear! Ali xxx


  11. Sounds like she’s slowly getting back to normal.
    Great news!


  12. Love it! You continue to be excellent in reporter mode, Garry. I feel like I’m getting the full visual. Lots of improvements…awesome! I find the bit about Nan refusing to come to Marilyn while in the bathroom to be quite hilarious. Maybe the pups are gonna give her a break for awhile. 😀


    • Yes, Rose! I love the furry kids watching Mom in the bathroom. It’s a hoot!! I’d never allow it. I need my privacy. Marilyn’s solo efforts today are really encouraging.
