Whitins Pond November

Whitins Pond, November 2014

Just when I thought the glorious fall was over for good and all, we had yet one perfect afternoon in mid November. The pond is full again. The rains came and filled it.

house by whitins pond november

Houses on Whitins Pond, almost twilight

While the swans have been absent, mallards seem to be everywhere. Maybe they are taking advantage of the absence of the swans to take over that piece of pond. They were too far for me to photograph, but I could see them. It’s nice to see birds again.

Twilight on Whitins Pond in November

Twilight on Whitins Pond in November

Categories: #Photography, Autumn, Nature, Seasons

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8 replies

  1. Love your photos. Happy Thanksgiving to you. 😀


  2. Lovely photos, and it’s nice to see plenty of water round your way again. I hope some of it found its way into your new and improved well.
