Note: Sorry folks, this is a Daily Prompt with non-working links. They may fix it, or not. I hope the little story stands on its own legs.


Once upon a time in a land far, far way, there lived a big shaggy dog by the name of Bob. Bob lived, with his family of mom, dad, and 2.7 children, in a modest home in a subdivision not far, as the road goes, from a major metropolitan city. Which we will call “The Hub.”

Bishop Almost Christmas

Every morning, Bob’s task was — after cleaning every last drop of maple syrup off the family’s breakfast plates — to trot to the mailbox. There, Bob would pick up the newspaper which the truck delivered before dawn.

Bob would clamp the paper between his big jaws and haul it inside, sometimes the worse for wear. His intentions were honorable. Nobody minded a bit of mauling to the paper. All anyone ever did was scan the sports section and check if any of the coupons were worth clipping. The rest of the paper got thrown away anyhow.

All that ink and paper was truly wasted on the family, but Bob didn’t care and neither did any of the humans in the household.

72-birds in the bush_007

This particular morning dawned bright and sunny. Just as Bob was about to collect the morning newspaper, he spied a bird — maybe a bluejay? — on the branch of a nearby shrub. Unable to contain his enthusiasm, even though he was no kind of bird dog, Bob took off to catch that bird.

And so the paper was left in a heap by the mail box. Bob discovered a great new world of birds, squirrels, bunnies, and (uh oh) cute girl dogs.

After that, life was never the same in the little house in the cookie cutter subdivision not far from the great, metropolitan Hub.

The end — or is it just the beginning?

Categories: #animals, #Birds, Daily Prompt, dogs

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30 replies

  1. Hehe. Love this story. What happened with the newspaper? Did it end up in a soggy mess each day or was the .7 kid assigned to go to get it each day?


  2. I wonder what he started bringing into the house after that.


  3. Bob reminds me of our younger son’s dog, Buddy (Golden Retriever). He’s big, getting on in years and very loving.


  4. Bubba! I follow Daily Post just in case I am inspired to take on the prompt. Today’s prompt made me smile because my dog is named bob. (His instagram:


  5. And you have beautiful photos both of the dog and the blue jay!


  6. The squirrels are go going to corrupt Bob the faithful dog. The sports section and coupons will end up as nest filling…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I hope Bob lives happily ever after!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You do have me thinking about the 2.7 kids 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That is just one big happy life of a dog. Of course it’s the beginning after Bob meets Roberta and they have lots of little bobbies.

    Liked by 1 person