Garry and I missed our summer vacation because he got bit by the spider who wasn’t there. He didn’t even get any special spidey powers, which has been a terrible disappointment.

At this point, it has been a year since we got away for more than a few hours. Time off is overdue.

 Sun room curley house

We are going away for a few days starting tomorrow. We’ll be back, but Garry is away the next week and both of us are gone for most of September. I’ll check in when I feel inspired, but otherwise, it is a vacation.

We will be away the rest of this week, then back, then away again for most of September during which I am not going to post much.

dining room light

I really need a break. I love you all. I need to feel it’s okay for me to have a life that isn’t on the Internet, even if all it amounts to is visiting an occasional friend, being away from home, not locked to a computer all the time. That the world will go on without me.


If something were wrong, I’d tell you. I have every intention of coming back, hopefully better than ever.

This is not a crisis. I don’t have a hidden agenda. I’m not sick, running away, leaving without a word, or anything like it. If I don’t answer your comments or do so briefly, it’s should be okay, because I’ve been hyper-diligent over the years.

I’ve been posting multiple times daily for more than three years. Everyone else takes vacations. Except me. I’ve posted through my vacations and the only time I’ve been offline is when I was too sick to do it.

I’ve earned a breather, some time to recharge. I will post when I can, when I have something special (probably pictures), but I want to go away without feeling I have to stop everything and sit in a motel room to write and process pictures.

Time to have some fun, laugh with friends, spend some time away from here with my husband and a camera.

Driveway in the front

Be happy. Be free. In the immortal words of General Douglas MacArthur, “I will return.”

Categories: Humor, Personal

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43 replies

  1. This is the way it should be. I will be waiting for you to see the beautiful pictures you will click on your way and to interact with recharged you. So happy for you. It was long due and finally you are away on vacation ! Take care and a safe journey.


  2. Good for you! I’ve found getting the head out of the computer is very good for the soul.
