
It wasn’t a photo excursion. We were driving from a doctor’s office to the mall. To PetSmart, to get extra dog food. And biscuits. Have to make sure the doggies have plenty of kibble and biscuits. They’ve never missed a meal and I wouldn’t want this to be the first time.


The road between North Street and Route 140 is lovely. The woods are bright because its is dominated by alders. They turn bright yellow in the fall, and unlike the oak, they don’t form a canopy to block the sun.


The train tracks cross the road, though I’ve never seen a train. We have train tracks running through Uxbridge too, but no train station … not any more. What used to be the train station is now a real estate office. Once a week, you can hear the wail of the train’s whistle as it rumbles through, coming from somewhere. Going somewhere else.


I don’t know what it is about this train crossing, but I love it. Something about the way the road dips and curves. It reminds me of something, but I’m not sure what. It makes me wistful, as if there is a memory somewhere tucked in a corner of my brain … but I don’t know where.


The leaves were bright today. Not at peak. Not quite. At least I don’t think they are at peak … yet they are falling, even before many of the trees have changed color. It’s as if autumn has been short-circuited. Is it the lack of rain?


One year ago, we were on the road to Jackman, Maine. Autumn in northern New England. This year, the leaves have barely begun to change. Strange.

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley, Nature, Seasons, woodland, Woods

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17 replies

  1. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


  2. I have train tracks only about 500 feet from my house. If one’s coming through at full speed, it’ll shake things up around here. Oh how nice it would be if they only came through once a week, but it’s more like once an hour…


  3. We must hang onto the memories off all the fall colors with winter ready to bite us on the butt. I live next door to the land of blonde hair and blue ears!


    • I am just hoping that Winter is late and lazy. Worn out from two big seasons and maybe taking a little time off. You know, working part time this year? We live in hope 🙂


  4. The October fairy came by and painted the trees gold and red. 🙂 Great pics~!


  5. Those country raods with the trees with their autumn leaves in so beautiful but sentimental. It like – here’s your last chance before old man winter hits us with a sledge hammer.


  6. Great photos Marilyn! Our Autumn is very late this year, but that’s been down to us getting our summer in September, here in Scotland!


    • It’s an international phenomenon. Weird weather. Today is the first time I’ve looked outside to see autumn. Not the best autumn of recent years, but at least appropriately season!

      Liked by 2 people

      • It’s nice to see the sun making a guest appearance. I’m a warm weather fella so I’m resigned to “wait til next year” while hoping we get a spell of Indian summer before you know what.
