Serendipity is a personal and photography blog. For the most part.

I write about me and my life, stuff that’s happening, things I did back when. I take pictures, talk about nature, wildlife, trees. Especially trees.

It’s a reflection of not just what I feel, but what I think, what I enjoy, hope for, fear, and love. It is a bit of everything that touches me and the people around me. It isn’t entirely personal because many interesting or worrisome things aren’t about me, though they touch my life and presumably, yours.


Thus, I write about politics, news, movies, books, television. Ecology. I don’t always want to talk about me. Sometimes, I want to talk about you. Them. The world. Nature. And technology because we all use so much of it and it directly impacts our lives in myriad ways.

Sometimes — like right now — things happening around me are sad. Difficult. I’m not ready to talk about it.

I follow as many bloggers as I can. Most bloggers I follow write about life and take pictures too. Some are very funny, some are scary. They all vary their content from serious to funny and back again. I never know what I’m going to find when I visit.


A few blogs are entirely personal and grim. They have their blogging antennae permanently aimed inward The darkness within is complete.

After a while, I begin to tire of it. I get restless. The relentless recounting of one train wreck after another, the uninterrupted procession of bad luck stories, wears me down. I get numb when someone’s life contains no ray of light, no reason for joy, no hope of a better future.

I have to wonder if all that bad luck is merely bad luck. Is it possible for anyone to be so unlucky — without being at least partly responsible for the mess in which they find themselves?

Am I wrong? Am I being insensitive? Unfair?

snow falling front trees

I don’t have an answer. I know after months and sometimes, years, I cannot bear any more. Maybe God really is out to get him or her. Or perhaps it isn’t entirely coincidental that he or she can’t keep a job, roommate, or friend … and why everything in their lives turns to shit.

Can “personal” become “too much information”? How much is enough … and what’s too much?

Categories: #Blogging, #Photography, Personal

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59 replies

  1. What a fascinating post. Maybe I’m just lucky or maybe it is because I only follow a very few blogs, and they are mostly photographic, but I haven’t come across the kind of blog you describe. I do read a few more personal blogs, but they tend to be mixed up with good things and occasional bad things, the sort of every day life most of us experience and often with a touch of humour. I couldn’t do with constant downers though and would cut that link rather quickly. My blogs are not personal, though sometimes my comments are when I am having a conversation with a fellow blogger. Sometimes stuff happens and I wonder whether I should write about it, to get it off my chest so to speak, but that’s not the kind of blog I do and I think my regulars would be very surprised.

    I suppose in a way this is a bit like following a fairly bad photographer. You start out thinking they might improve and giving words of encouragement, whilst inwardly cringing at other comments such as ‘Lovely’ ‘great photo’ and wondering how someone sees that aspect in a blurred, out of focus, over-exposed image. But you have formed a bond with the person, they seem nice, they are funny and friendly, but they are just not good photographers. I guess you either stick around because you like their company, or you cut the link and move on. Sorry about the rambling, but your post made me think. And that is a good thing 🙂


    • I think, referring to bad photographers, that many people (a) can’t tell good photography from bad — which, if you think about it, explains a lot or (b) haven’t the heart (or guts?) to tell the truth. Sometimes a bit of both. There is a LOT of bad photography around. But a few of my bad ones have improved to mediocre and if they just learn a little bit more about how to properly use their gear, they have an eye … so I figure there is hope. Every so often, they turn out something that isn’t awful. The rest, well, they usually give up on their own eventually. No one is so blind that they cannot look at their own work and someone who actually knows how to take a picture and not notice the difference … presumably … !

      As for the rest, most of the sad sacks started off seeming like regular people who had some bad luck and surely things would turn around. It’s only after a while you realize that ain’t so! But hey — the Cubs are in the playoffs, so anything is possible, right?


  2. Some people use blogging as a way to share all the ills in their lives- I find I cannot follow those blogs. They drag me way down, Some people do seem to have an inordinate amount of bad luck it seems, some seem to bring some of it on themselves. I am sorry when my blogging friends are going through hard times, health issues, but those that I follow intersperse good with the bad, it is not just a daily downer.
