CHANGES — Marilyn Armstrong

As we have been repairing the house, I’ve also been rearranging the house. Three crates of dolls have moved into storage. The organ is gone. The big dining table has be folded up — it is a drop-leaf — into its smallest size and become where the plants live in the light of the east-facing window.

Finally finished front door

Photo: Garry Armstrong — Finished new wall

Owen brought over a small dining table today. It will, when open, seat six and if there are more people than that, it will be a sideboard and everyone can find a place to sit and eat. It’s hard to explain how very much I wanted someplace in this house where I could walk three steps without bumping into something.

The front woods

I’m waiting for my next large box to recommence boxing up the medium-sized dolls.

Autumn through the dining room French doors

So these two pictures: the first was shot on an SD chip I’d forgotten to remove from the camera. It waited for me. The other was taken today. Finally, a room that has floor space!

A quiet place to sit and maybe a place for a computer, too

New gutters, from the deck

Meanwhile, it would appear that we are now also under siege from raccoons. When all the birds and squirrels are tucked into bed for the night, the raccoons strike.

I really wanted to feed the birds, but it appears I’m feeding everything.

Categories: #Photography, Autumn, Marilyn Armstrong

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31 replies

  1. It certainly is easier to clean!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I share your feelings about being able to move around without bumping into stuff. We got rid of so much when we moved, and the current house has more square footage to begin with. I’m determined to keep the extra space as free as possible for as long as possible. (Plus, it’s so much easier to keep it clean without all that clutter.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I tried that here, but somehow, furniture kept appearing. Now, finally, there’s ONE room that has enough room to actually “take a little walk.” It’s amazing how furniture accumulates. Some of it we buy, some we “inherit” as aging relatives move to smaller quarters … and it is VERY hard to say no. And when you finally can’t stand all that stuff and get rid of one of two dining room sets, everyone yells at you that it was great furniture and you should have kept it. if it was so fantastic, I thought my mother should take it. Even though SHE didn’t have anywhere to put it.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. You have a beautiful house in a beautiful setting! Thanks for sharing!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The All You Can Eat Critter Buffet must be getting good word of mouth advertising. I wouldn’t worry until the raccoons and squirrels show up at your new table…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I often feel that I should send out an invitation. That’s why I have to get names. How can you send invitations if you don’t have proper names? Do they marry? Should it be Mr. and Mrs. Fat-Tailed Squirrel? Or may Ms. Red Head Squirrel.

      But yes. Apparently some bird tweets and every animal in the woods lifts an ear, puts on their best feathers and comb their furry tails and comes by. There’s a little flirtation involved, too.

      We let the squirrels eat all morning. When we get up around 11 or 12, we shoo them away. By then they’ve had several hours of gnawing — which I think ought to be enough! ALL the birds are waiting in the nearby trees. It’s hilarious. As soon as the squirrel grudgingly leave (and they are getting slower each day), 100 bird show up with their bibs on.


    • I think the “all you can eat” is for me. SHOULD be for me. Sashimi, please!


  5. Oh dear those racoons, they can be cute too, but what a nuisance …..

    Liked by 1 person

    • They can bite, too. A big raccoon can weigh as much as 50 pounds. With all those teeth and claws, they can be dangerous unless already tamed. They do make fun and intelligent pets( if rather destructive) pets. Not indoor pets. Those little hands are very clever. They can open the fridge, use the electric can opener (really!) and tear your sofa into tiny shreds. You need to find them young before they become fighters and build them their OWN quarter outdoors.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Feeding one flock is always challenging when there are others waiting in the wings. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It is looking glorious . . and what a lovely feeling having the space.


  8. I’m sure it feels good to have space and a clean house. I’m at the opposite end of the spectrum with 24 hours to finish packing the house is in bedlam!


    • That’s why I said “I’ll never move again. They will have to bury me here.”

      Before we moved here after I got back from Israel, I had moved 9 times in less than two years. I never wanted to see another packing box. if they are going to move me to senior quarters, someone else is going to do it. I’m going to read a book while the work gets done.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Rearranging things around home and freeing up the space always is so satisfying!
